Author Spotlight: vivaldings

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This month's spotlighted author is vivaldings with their story The Shadows of War!

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This month's spotlighted author is vivaldings with their story The Shadows of War!

The author is someone who's always looking for the next adventure whether it's a fictional story or a new country to visit.

When humans are genetically modified to the point of obtaining super human abilities, can they still be considered humans? 

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When humans are genetically modified to the point of obtaining super human abilities, can they still be considered humans? 

Interested to know how this story came to be or the author's challenges of writing it? Read on to know more.

What sparked the inspiration to write the story?

A combination of Gundam Seed (on my 2093809438th rewatch) and wanting superpowers (X-men, Percy Jackson, and Avatar).
I wanted to write a story set in a future world where the question of "what makes a person a human" was at the forefront of the war. What if centuries of genetic modification went from making a person who had unique hair and eye colours to becoming stronger and smarter to evolving to have some sort of superpower. Obviously there would be jealously and resentment between the two groups and now we're at the tipping point. 

What inspired you to start writing on Wattpad?

I grew out of the story I was writing fan fiction for and decided to try original works after some other fan fiction authors I followed moved onto Wattpad to write original stories. 

Budding authors face countable hindrances, what hindrance(s) did you face the most?

Having the motivation to finish the story. When I write a story, I'll have the general idea of the story along with the ending down before I delve into the rest of the world. As a result, I usually get bored of putting the rest of the story together since in my mind the story is already complete despite not fleshing how how the beginning got to the end.


Negative criticism is inevitable, how do you deal with it? And what would you suggest the others do when faced with such?

As hard as it is, to try to not take it personally. If you get some, wait a while before responding and try to understand it for the other person's point of view. Let's say someone said the story was boring. Take a step and think why? You as the author might know that this scene is setting up a future plot point but the readers don't and maybe they think it's just a long useless paragraph. After reflecting you might agree and you might not. If you agree, thank them for their constructive feedback. If you don't agree, stick to your gut and don't write to please others.


What according to you sets Military Fiction apart from other genres?

At least for stories set during a war, we see the realities of those who make fight and the sacrifices and camaraderie made. 

What do you feel is the biggest myth about writers?

Writers are eccentric hermits. Last thing I'm doing is locking myself in a basement to write a chapter a day.


Your go to cure for a bad day?

Take a shower and sleep!

How do you avoid or get out of writers' block?

Yikes, I wish I knew. I say just put the story aside and work on something else for the time being. Personally I would either make up other stories, expand on the lore, work on graphics (designing covers, banners, character profiles). At one point, I even made an entire wiki style tumblr page for me to keep track of the series. 

Any advice for your fellow/new writers?

Write what you like and an audience will find your work, don't focus on what's popular to get reader's attention.


What's your message for our readers?

Thank you for your time. Whether you're a silent reader (guilty as charged) or the reader who would like and comment on every story. Knowing someone took time out of their day to read my work makes me happy.


We're delighted to have  as one of our spotlighted authors!


Interested to know how you can become one? Each author in here has been noticed by us for their outstanding book. Keep working on your story and submit your story to our reading lists to get noticed more easily. 

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