Author Spotlight: iStormhawk

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This month's spotlighted author is @iStormhawk their story CROWNS I: Of Desolate Hope |

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This month's spotlighted author is @iStormhawk their story CROWNS I: Of Desolate Hope |

It's an epic fantasy story following the complex lives of different people trying to make it in the world

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It's an epic fantasy story following the complex lives of different people trying to make it in the world. It's full of surprise, wonder and peril. Be warned - the twists will have you questioning the real motives of each character.

Hey guys, I'm iStormhawk and as you might be able to tell, I like to write! I happen to be a massive fan of Tolkien, CS Lewis and GRRM. Currently, I'm actually reading a graphic novel called Fables (I just had to after playing The Wolf Among Us). Outside of books, I play football and a few instruments. It's possible that I might also spend unholy amounts of time playing Overwatch... Don't worry though, it's definitely not an addiction... Right guys???

What sparked the inspiration to write the story?

I would definitely pinpoint Lord of The Rings as the greatest inspiration to write CROWNS. The sheer scale of the world and the conflict (e.g. Battle of Pelennor Fields) lit a fire in my mind. All of a sudden, I was dreaming up what would go on to be CROWNS. Strangely, another inspiration was Star Wars. I found the politics captivating and knew that if I was going to write a book with conflicts, the political reasons behind it had to be sound.

What inspired you to start writing on Wattpad?

I first found Wattpad at the end of 2017 but only used it to read fanfiction. The community seemed really active and engaged so I started using it nearly every day. Eventually, I started reading original stories and after a while, decided to take the leap and write my own. I knew I had stories to tell and Wattpad was the perfect place to do just that.

Budding authors face countable hindrances, what hindrance(s) did you face the most?

My biggest hindrance was my lack of motivation to actually write. I had the whole story planned out in my head from start to finish which is great. The problem was when it came to putting pen onto paper (yes literally - I handwrote a few chapters) I just couldn't do it - it felt like an insurmountable mountain of work.I overcame this by remembering that if I didn't tell this story, no one else would. So, remember that you owe it to yourself to make your amazing story a reality - no one else can.

What according to you sets Military Fiction apart from other genres?

Military Fiction is amazing! It lets you see conflict in a completely different way than other genres. From small skirmishes to fate-deciding war - only military fiction can let you feel like you're living every second of it.

Your go to cure for a bad day?

My cure is reading The Bible for sure. I find that when life gets a bit hectic just taking some time out to read it really helps - I think there's great advice in there. It's massively important to devote time to things that bring you comfort.

How do you avoid or get out of writers' block?

Writer's Block - that ancient enemy. Get outside, get inspired! Taking walks (short and long) helps me reset so that writing doesn't feel like a chore. Nature is a great place for inspiration.

Any advice for your fellow/new writers?

My advice to other writers is to just finish the story. Get it done. When you're writing it's important to not get so fixed on grammatical errors, typos etc. These are things that can be edited later so just get the words down and keep persevering. You've got this!

What's your message for our readers?

Take the positives out of each day and keep reading!!!

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