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"Are you sure you are alright?", Childe asks getting closer to her. Lumine involuntary flinches, so he stops a few meters away, visibly hurt, he lowers his head.

"Yes!, yes I am okay, don't worry about me I was just worried that Mr. Horse got too scared", Lumine says faking her tone, raising her hands to explain. (I don't think he believes that).
She puts her hand on her chest and feels her heart pounding from fear. Fear of Childe's dangerous nature, and equally afraid she was hurting a friend.

After what felt like an eternity, she decided to speak, at the end always sincerity outweighs any plans she might have. "I trust you, don't worry I know you would keep your word and that you are a man of your honor", She says inching closer to him. "You were protecting us, thank you".

Childe drops his weapon on the snow, takes her arm, and pulls her into a warm embrace. "I am so sorry, I need to keep you alive and safe I hope you understand that even If I do something unexpected it will never be to hurt you, you have my word as a warrior and maybe someday you'll see me and think of me as your knight". Lumine stands still letting him pour those sweet words while he has her wrapped in his arms, she returns the hug and just says, "Thank you, Tartaglia".
She closes her eyes and her heart feels lighter now, (That is the power of a promise).
"Maybe when in danger you'll call my name instead"


They were getting closer to the city, there were more people around and few houses along the way.
"We are not too far from there", Childe conveys. "where is there?".
"My family home"
"Oh", Lumine who was feeling a little drowsy had all her tiredness slapped away from her with that simple sentence. "You think your family would like me?"
"Hahaha, I don't see why not, actually my dad reads the letters to my little brothers and sisters, he is very eager to know about the girl I write about".
"That's a little bit of pressure, maybe I am not up to those standards", Childe interrupts "Are you kidding me? You are amazing, after we separated in Liyue you went ahead and accomplished so many incredible things, and you are kind and tender, I am sure you'll fit right in, that has never been a problem for you".

After making it to Childe's family home she takes a deep breath, It was fairly sized, and the outside was a beige white, she could see all of the siblings living there comfortably, in the outside she saw toys scattered all over the place, a few ruin machine replicas and ball and so much more, She imagined little Teucer having his adventures there.

Childe goes in front of her carrying their bags and knocks on the door, Lumine bites her lip hearing someone running to the door to open it.
A younger girl with big ocean-blue eyes opened the door, and excitement flooded her freckled complexion.
She jumped to hug Tartaglia who was the first she saw, then over his shoulder, She saw Lumine the traveler she has admired for so long standing there with a smile, from the countless letters there was no mistake She recognized her immediately. She made an inaudible gasp and her face went bright red.

"Tar- huff Tartaglia you never mentioned that today you- that she", She looked surprised and embarrassed all the same. "I am sorry, it is the biggest honor to meet you it really is, I just wish I was emotionally prepared for two surprises back to back hehe".

"Don't apologize, you know I also thought Tartaglia would have given you a heads up", She glares at the tall man menacingly.
"You know, life is all the more exciting when you expect the unexpected", he says with idiotic pride.

She invites them to come inside and runs off to the kitchen to make a pot of tea and take her pastries out of the oven , which she was baking earlier.

Childe is ecstatic to see the family so he excuses himself from the common room and goes to give Teucer and Anthon a shock, leaving Lumine behind to check out the place, she sees foreign decorations, a fish on a board hanging on the wall, pictures of forest landscapes, wooden dolls on a shelf, she then goes and sit on a large white sofa in front of the fireplace and takes off her gloves and earmuffs to put them away in her bag, she takes off the scarf and keeps it in her hands and stares at it for a while absent-minded. The warmth in this family common room, the nice smelling wood scent from the chimney, the neatly arranged furniture, the coziness of it all.

"That's his scarf isn't it?", Childe's sister had appeared like a ghost without making a sound despite carrying a tray with a Tea set and snacks.

"ah, sorry you started me a little bit-", "Tonia"
"Nice to meet you Tonia, I am-"
"Lumine", she finishes "Childe has told us all about you, I am sure you must be exhausted from your travels so please just sit and relax, have a cookie it will replenish your energy".

The ginger girl with a braid said smiling, (she looks like a kind person by nature). Lumine felt at peace even thought they were pretty much strangers.

"Did my brother take good care of you? I hope that's the case if not he will hear a mouthful when he is back hmph"

"Don't worry your brother is very thoughtful, thank you for your hospitality"

"No, thank you, thanks to you it seems he has found a good reason to be fighting for".

A/N kindly vote and comment if you like it so far ^_^ or comment any suggestions or character you'd like to see!! Also, About Childes house and everything about snezhnaya, I completely invented lmao, that's how I picture dunno if it's accurate but ill try

My heart is warm like Snezhnaya (ChiLumi ff)Where stories live. Discover now