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Tonia was devoted and very eager to help her brothers and sisters. Her interests have quietly been replaced by domestic labor, even if she showed herself smiling there was a burden visible in her eyes, that Lumine could tell.

For what she meant with that comment, Lumine could not figure, out a "new reason he is fighting for?" for all she knew he fights for the sake of battle, perhaps world domination? She decided to not read deep into it. Before Tonia could keep making conversation little Teucer and Tartaglia are back, with Teucer screaming and hopping wanting to tell his bigger sister about their brother's return, Lumine is sitting facing away but when she hears them she rises from the comfy sofa, it seems once again, Tartaglia has omitted her presence because his eyes open like two deep oceans, "BIG SISTER IS HERE!?" he drops the toy he was caring and throws himself to her arms. Tonia giggles and Tartaglia laughs out loud at Lumine's surprised expression. "Big sister I knew you would keep your promise", "Alright Teucer let her rest, She had to fight lots of big scary monsters to make it here and her arms are tired, how about you carry her luggage to the guest room?", Childe suggest and he quickly obliges.
"I'll be right back, I have to feed the horse and make sure he's comfortable", Childe says. Leaving both the girls alone, "Don't let them interrupt our tea time, help yourself", Tonia gestures to the table and they sit to enjoy.

"Tartaglia never mentioned what your favorite tea or food is in any letter, do you prefer sweet or savory?"

"I like both, these biscuits are great by the way, you are a great baker"

"Why thank you, sorry I keep asking questions, I was a little too excited earlier, my brother respects you a lot and that is rare, I hope we can be good friends too"

"Of course, although more time is needed... We can get to know each other slowly"

Childe comes back and sits next to Lumine at the sofa, "Ah I almost forget, here" She hands the red scarf to him, and he looks confused "Girlie, you'll need it still, remember where we are, not always you'll be drinking warm tea by the fireplace".

Lumine's cheeks get instantly red, it's not the first time he calls her 'girlie' but the fact that his sister is right in front might be the reason, and thrown around so casually too. Thankfully none of them acknowledges that detail. She just retrieves her hand and keeps the scarf on her lap.

Their tea break turns fun right after, they share stories of Lumine's adventures, Tartaglia's findings in Inazuma, Tonia's stories, and their family. She pictured their life unfolding in this very house, and couldn't help but wonder how much difficult it must be for him to leave his siblings for months at a time.

It went dark outside already without them noticing.

"What do you say I show you your room?", Childe gestured.

"Oh right, Dinner!", Tonia bolted out of her sit embarrassed. "I'll have Anthon help, time just flew past me, my apologies". She goes away to call her brother who was still outside.

Childe walked Lumine to a small room, with wooden walls and a nice bed able to fit at least 3 people, since the bed was so big there was not much more furniture, just a cabinet, and a side table with a lamp. The window had snow sitting on it not that she could see anything outside because of the darkness. "This is the only guest room we have, I hope it's enough".

"It is! Thank you", she then jumps to the bed elated by its comfiness, and closes her eyes feeling all her built-up exhaustion catch up. Childe smiles at her child-like behaviors every time, "Aren't you hungry, we will have dinner shortly, why don't you freshen up in the guest bathroom while I go help in the kitchen?"

"Sure", she mumbles with her face to a pillow, so he leaves the room. Instead of giving in and dozing off she decides to shower, the only thing is that she does not know which is the restroom door. She exits the room, in the corridor, there's a door right next to hers. (Instead of rummaging into someone else's room, it might be better to ask for directions).
There is laughter coming from the kitchen, she decides against interrupting the cute family gathering and opens the door to check, is a bathroom indeed, whether it is the guest bathroom or not, there's no way of checking. She turns on the light, the small room has a bathtub, a pleasant surprise. She quickly goes to open the faucet and lets the tub fill while she goes to get a change of clothes from her room.

My heart is warm like Snezhnaya (ChiLumi ff)Where stories live. Discover now