The Factory

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Later that night, the four got their things ready and rode on their bikes to the factory. It took three hours to get there but they made it to ths old toy factory, they hide their bikes and got inside.

They saw how the inside was, it looked like what a horror game could be like. What was more sad is that this was were they remembered coming when they were like super little.

"I can't believe that they shut down this place when it was the most the most popluar factory?" Zoe said while looking around.

"Yea, I remembered when I came in, I will always love going to the train. Loving going on that ride so much" Mac said.

As the group walked around CJ found a vhs tape, she saw a tv with a tape player on it. She place the tape inside and played it for them to see.

"Okay, am I getting a creepy vide from this" Zoe said walking away.

"Your not the long one Zoe" Kate added.

They girls walked a little more farther into the factory. CJ being not scared of this place as they walked, CJ took a wrong step which send her fall into a hole.

"Oh my god!"

"Woah, CJ!"


All three yelled out to her at the bottom of the hole.

"Its okay, I landed on top of some old boxes that broke my fall!" CJ yelled to them.

"Is there a way out of there, or we can just fall..."

"No, the boxes are already destory after I fell on them, and I think I can't see an exit down here. So I'll find you guys, just don't come down" CJ yelled to them.

CJ looked to see a tunnel of something and with no other way out, it looks like she'll have to walk into that tunnel and possible to them.

"Welp, here goes nothing" CJ said to herself before walking in the tunnel.

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