A Prophecy Unfolds

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It's the first day of school... students bustling in the auditorium waiting for the Principal's speech.

Azura(principal): Good morning students! And welcome back! I hope you all had a good summer break. But now it's back to school. A few of you know there will a some new exchange students coming today so make them feel welcome. Have a good semester everyone!
Nayumi: *talking with Reyna* How the hell is your mom so active at 7:30 am?
Reyna: *yawns* If i remember correctly she had about 4 cups of coffee today..
Nayumi: *rubs her eyes* That explains the enthusiasm-
Reyna: So tell me how was your summer?

Nayumi: Well we went to our grandparents' house as usual but i did push Ezra in the lake- at the cost of him pulling me into the lake but who cares-

Reyna: I swear to god you both are truly the most chaotic people I've met

Nayumi: I'm not chaotic- he's the chaotic one.

Reyna: Whatever makes you sleep at night.

Nayumi: *sees someone* Uh- i need to go I'll see you in class.

Reyna: Okay see you-

Nayumi: *walks away into the crowd of students*

Rowan: *pulls her aside into an empty hallway* Hey there sunshine

Nayumi: Rowan. You know i haven't told my brother yet-

Rowan: Yeah yeah but c'mon sunshine atleast a good morning kiss?

Nayumi: Rowan no.

Rowan: Please yumi?

Nayumi: *sighs* Fine but promise me you won't get us exposed.

Rowan: Promise-

Nayumi: *gives him a quick kiss*

*the bell rings a few seconds later*

Nayumi: Well I'm gonna go head to class. I'll see you later-

Rowan: See you soon love-

Nayumi: See ya..*rushes to class*

*Next Day, lunch*

Nayumi: Today was more tiring than expected-

Reyna: You got that right-

Ezra: *walks upto them* Hey  babe, hey sis *kisses Reyna's cheek from behind*

Reyna: Hey-

Nayumi: I thought we agreed you two won't do this shit infront off me

Ezra: C'mon Lil sis it's just a peck on the cheek. You're just jealous because you don't have a boyfriend yet.

Nayumi: I am not.

Rowan: *walks up beside Ezra* You two are doing this on purpose aren't you?

Ezra: Taunt my dearest sister? Maybe just a little-

Nayumi: Whatever *drawing something in her sketch book*

Rowan: Watcha drawing?

Nayumi: Nothing just doodling

*After Lunch*

Speaker: Can Nayumi Florence,Reyna Stephenson,Rowan Stoll, Damian Caine, Ezra Florence and Athena Lawrence please go to the principal's office immediately.

Athena: Oh c'mon it's the first week of school-

*They head to the principal's office*

Azura: Oh good all of you are here.

Reyna: What is it mom?

Azura: Well a prophecy has came up.. and we think it might involve you all.

Oracle: Six students shall answer the call and fight the enchantress of the west. They will be betrayed by one who sought to be a friend. A single choice will end this mess for there to be peace or distress.

Azura: We were only able to decipher that there's a traitor in the school someone who's working for Calypso and according to the prophecy you six might be the key defeat her and find the traitor.
Damian: That part was self explanatory.

Rowan: You've got to be kidding me

Azura: You six are our only hope. This can mean war. Nayumi, Rowan you both are one of our finest fighters can I trust you both to make sure this goes smoothly.?

*Nayumi and Rowan look at each other and nod*

Azura: Good. All of you get plenty of rest because the rest of this month is going to exhausting for you.

Nayumi: okay principal Azura..

*They all leave*

Athena: The oracle really thought it was a good idea to dump a prophecy on the first week of school? *annoyed*

Damian: Calm down wise girl. I'm sure it'll be fine

Athena: I hope so because i don't intend to be too stressed out until finals and this isn't helping me.

Damian: How about you take a break for today and relax I'll get you your notes.

Athena: Thanks, i don't know what I'd do without you.

Damian: Good thing you don't have to ever think about it..

*Meanwhile with the others*

Reyna: *excited* Hell yeah! We got our first ever prophecy!

Ezra: How are you happy about that!? There can be a war!

Reyna: IF we don't screw up then there can't be a war.


Rowan: Stop screaming we don't need to spread the news.

Nayumi: Yeah..i doubt Principal Azura wants anyone to find out yet.

Ezra: Yeah I'm sorry about that.

Nayumi: Well I'm headed to class I'll see you guys later.. *heads to class*

*In Class*

Nayumi: *overthinking about the prophecy*

Teacher: Nayumi can you answer number five?

Nayumi: *not paying attention*

Teacher: Nayumi?...Miss Florence pay attention.

Nayumi: huh? Oh sorry miss..

Teacher: Now can you answer number 5?

Nayumi: Uh- yes.. It's potion crafting.

Teacher: Correct.

*After class*

Reyna: *reading in her dorm*

Ezra: Hey have you seen Nayumi?

Reyna: No actually why?

Ezra: I just needed to talk to her but i haven't seen her since we talked after coming from the office.

Reyna: Oh maybe you should ask Rowan- they might be training together?

Ezra: Okay- *goes to Rowan* Hey bro have you seen Nayumi anywhere-

Rowan: No why?

Ezra: I haven't seen her since we talked about the prophecy.

Rowan: Hmmm...check the library she might be there-

Ezra: I hope so- *goes to the library*

Nayumi: *reading a book on ancient enchantresses*

Ezra: *walks upto her* There you are I've been worried sick..

Nayumi: Sorry, I just wanted to do some research...

Ezra: It's fine..but just next time tell me okay. I'm your older brother.

Nayumi: Only by 2 minutes but yeah I'll tell you from next time-

Ezra: Also please don't stay up all night doing research alright. Get some sleep and don't forget to eat dinner. If I find out you skipped dinner I'll kill you.

Nayumi: Got it.

Ezra: Good. I'll see you tomorrow..

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