What's Thalassian?...

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Nayumi: Everyone ready?
The other five: Ready.
Nayumi: Lets do this.

*Athena and Damian go to investigate more on Quinn*

Reyna: Okay there are going to be six gaurds they change shifts every fifteen minutes so you two will have exactly fifteen go in and come out. Me and Ezra will be here keeping an eye on the gaurds and if anything goes wrong we'll call you or try to distract them.
Rowan: Sounds good.

*At the entrance, Nayumi and Rowan hiding waiting for the gaurd to switch shifts*

Nayumi: *sees the gaurd walking away* Let's go- 
Rowan: Right behind you-
Nayumi: *walks into the forest* Hmm. *looking sign of a settlement*.
Rowan: Yumi- look footprints.
Nayumi: Great let's follow them-

*they follow the footprints*

Rowan: *whispers* Look-
Nayumi: Jackpot. We found the house..but how do we know she's there?
Rowan: Let's get a closer look we still have 5 minutes.
Nayumi: Okay.

*They go to get a closer look at the house*

Rowan: Someone's definitely living here.
Nayumi: Rowan we should get out of her before anyone sees us
Rowan: Your right lets go..*starts to walk towards the direction they came from*
Nayumi: *sees something on the ground and picks it up* An amulet..this might come in handy later. *picks it up and puts it in her pocket then follows Rowan*
Ezra: *calls Rowan* Guys you have 2 minutes the second gaurd is on his way-
Rowan: We're almost out-
Ezra: Okay good

*After they get out*

Reyna: So how did it go?
Nayumi: Well we found the house and she's definitely living there.
Athena: *comes inside* Okay guys we found some information on Quinn. Turns out she only went to one other school before Mystic Academy.
Ezra: Well where did she used to go?
Damian: Thalassian Enclave.
Nayumi: That's a strange name..
Athena: We know. That's why we did some digging and it turns out the school doesn't exist.
Reyna: I don't think i have ever even heard of this school.
Rowan: Same.
Nayumi: Hmm... Thalassian... doesn't that mean by sea..
Damian: But what does that have to do with anything?
Reyna: Wait did you guys find anything else in her file like about her powers??
Athena: Yeah it was.. called songstress
Reyna: Thalassian, songstress... that means Quinn can be...
Nayumi: ...A siren-
Rowan: Okay so Quinn's a siren- what does that have to do with anything?
Athena: This means if Quinn is a traitor she basically has everyone under her control. We have to be careful.
Ezra: Agreed. We need a plan
Nayumi: No. For now we observe. We need to watch her keep an eye out for any weaknesses or anything out of place we can use this to our advantage.
Reyna: She has a point. If Quinn really is the traitor we need to find out more before we do anything. We need more information on her.
Ezra: Fine I guess..
Damian: Lets just act like everything is normal
Rowan: Yeah. We cannot let them know that we know.
Nayumi: *nods* Mhm.

Author's note: I might not be writing for a bit since my exams are coming but don't worry the next part will be out by the end of next month...

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