Rowan's Interrogation

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Rowan: Accident? These kinds of accidents don't just happen. There's something fishy about this.

Nayumi: Well... there was something I found right before the fire started..

Rowan: What did you find?

Nayumi: A note saying.."She's coming.." i don't know what it means but maybe it has something to do with the traitor..

Rowan: Hmm.. I'll try to figure out what's going on. It might have something to do with the traitor but for now rest okay. I'll check up on you in a little bit- *kisses her forehead*

Nayumi: Okay..Love you..

Rowan: I love you too sunshine..

*With Athena and Damian*

Athena: *doing homework in the library*

Damian: *runs into her room* Thea- you won't believe what happened!

Athena: Calm down. What happened?

Damian: Nayumi's room randomly caught on fire, she passed out and now she's in the hospital wing Rowan thinks it might be related to the prophecy so he's doing a full on investigation.

Athena: Sudden attack huh? I think I might be able to help find out the culprit.

Damian: I was hoping you would say that because Rowan actually needs your help to figure out who's lying

Athena: Then tell him I'm in.


Rowan: Thanks for agreeing to help me.

Athena: Don't mention it. When you have lie detecting powers you might as well put it to being a detective.

*During the investigation*

Rowan: Did you set Nayumi's room on fire.?

Student 1: No. Why the hell why would you think I'd do that!?

Rowan: Athena are they telling the truth?

Athena: They're telling the truth.

Rowan: Next.

Student 2: *walks in*

Rowan: *asks the same question*

Student: Wait her room was on fire?

Rowan: You didn't know?

Student 2: No

Athena: They're telling the truth

Rowan: Next!

Student 3: *walks in*

Rowan: Did you set Nayumi's room on fire?

Student 3: Are you insane why would I do that?!

Rowan: Answer the question.

Student 3: No I didn't.

Athena: They're telling the truth

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