The First Attack

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*A week later at 5am*

Nayumi: *training in the field*

Rowan: *sneaks up behind her* Don't you think it's a bit too early for you to be training?

Nayumi: *jumps a little at his sudden appearance* No it's not. We have to be prepared for whatever is coming. We don't know what this traitor of Calypso may be capable off.

Rowan: Yeah but you can't do that if you burn yourself out training all day..

Nayumi: Why are you lecturing me? You're also awake at 5am.

Rowan: That's because it's my usual time to be awake and I'm usually asleep by ten. And either way sunshine i don't want you pushing yourself too hard..

Nayumi: Don't worry i won't.

Rowan: Good. *kisses her forehead* We should probably go back inside and get you some food.

Nayumi: Yes please I'm starving.
*They both go inside*
*goes to her room, takes a shower and gets changed*

Reyna: You went to train again? Girl you can't keep going to sleep at 2am and wake up at 5am to train for something that might not even happen for god knows long.

Nayumi: I'd rather be safe then sorry-

Reyna: You can't stay safe if you only get 3 hours of sleep per day. You're lucky i haven't told Ezra yet he'd kill you if he found out.

Nayumi: And I'm grateful for that-

Reyna: Also be happy i haven't told your other secret to him.

Nayumi: Huh? What other secret?

Reyna: About what's going on between you and Rowan.

Nayumi: *sounds nervous* What- what do you mean there's nothing going between us.

Reyna: Yumi I'm your best friend, i can tell when you're lying. Plus it's pretty obvious from the way you both look at eachother.

Nayumi: Okay you got me but seriously don't tell him. He can't know I'm dating his bestfriend.

Reyna: My lips are sealed but I'll still tell him about your sleep schedule if you don't get it together.

Nayumi: Fine I'll try.

Reyna: Good. *pats her head*

*Later in class*

Nayumi: *writing down notes while being barely awake*

Reyna: *whispered to her* Soooo tell me how did you and Rowan happen??

Nayumi: None of your business.

Reyna: I'm your bestfriend of course it's my business.

Nayumi: I don't know how it happened we just..clicked-

Reyna: Hmm atleast tell me when it happened?

Nayumi: Last year- after thanksgiving-
Reyna: And you didn't tell me. I'm disappointed

Nayumi: I'm sorry okay- but let me focus right now please?

Reyna: Fine I'll let you go this time..

Nayumi: And right now our prime focus should be that prophecy. We don't know how strong Calypso can be.

Reyna: You need to take a break from your research it's making you paranoid

Nayumi: No way that research is preparing me for the worst.

*After class at Lunch*

Rowan: *talking with Ezra*

Reyna: *walks upto them with Nayumi* Hi guys what's up?

Ezra: Hey Rey nothing much just talking

Nayumi: Hello to you too brother-

Ezra: I didn't see ya there sis-

Nayumi: You make a joke about my height and I'll punch you.

Ezra: Nevermind-

Rowan: Hey Yumi hey Reyna

Nayumi: Hey Rowan

Reyna: Hi Rowan

Nayumi: *sits down and looks at their plates* You two really just wanted pizza didn't you?

Ezra: Can you blame us??

Nayumi: *grabs a slice and eats it* Okay now I get it these taste amazing.

Reyna: By the way I have something to tell you guys.

Ezra: We'll spit it out-

Reyna: Nayumi's been going to sleep at 2am and then waking up at 5am to train everyday.

Nayumi: You snitch!

Ezra: Sis we talked about this. You need to stop overworking yourself .

Nayumi: I'm just trying to stay prepared...

Rowan: You can't be prepared if you're barely able to stay awake. You need rest.

Nayumi: I'll be fine. Don't worry about it.

Ezra: Nayumi I'm worried about you..

Nayumi: I'll be fine i promise..

Ezra: Fine I trust you.

*Later in Nayumi's dorm*

Nayumi: *getting ready for bed, sees a note on her nightstand* Hm?

*picks it up and starts reading*

The Note: "She's coming..."

Nayumi: What the-..

*suddenly there was a flash of light and before she knew it her room was in flames*

Nayumi: Oh fuck!

*she quickly used her power trying to put out the fire but it was spreading quickly*

Reyna: *sees smoke coming from Nayumi's window* Oh no!

Nayumi: *passes out from the smoke*

Nayumi: *wakes up in the hospital wing* Wh..where am i..

Ezra: Nayumi! *immediately hugs her* Oh thank gods your okay! I was so worried!!

Nayumi: Ezr-Ezra..? Wh-what happened...?

Ezra: Reyna said your room suddenly caught on fire and that you passed out.. Speaking of which since your room is currently half burnt you have to share a room with some..

Nayumi: Oh..who?

Ezra: Most of the students have roommates so Rowan kinda volunteered.

Nayumi: He what-?

Rowan: *leaning against the door* What it's only.. for a week. *he said it as if it being only for a week pained him*

Nayumi: I mean- uh thanks

Rowan: Don't mention it- *he winked at her*

Ezra: Well I'm gonna let you rest.. see you later sis

Nayumi: Okay see ya..

Rowan: *walks upto to Nayumi after Ezra leaves* How are you sunshine?

Nayumi: I'm good..just a few burnt marks..

Rowan: *his eyes darkened* If i find out who did this I'm going to fucking murder them. *his thumb rubbed her cheek*

Nayumi: Rowan calm down it was probably an accident..

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