Ninja Steel Red To the Rescue

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Brody was sitting in science and looking at the clock. Just another 20 minutes before the period was over and he could go home! Brody was exhausted and needed a break from school. He, Calvin, Tommy, and the guys had plans that evening since it was a Friday night. Then, Brody and the others got a call on their communicators. It was Mick.

"Rangers! A girl was kidnapped from Brooklyn Visions Academy. She's being held as prisoner on Vekar and Vrak's ship. Her name is Rosaly Joestar and Zordon and Ella are panicking. We'll explain more when you guys get her and bring her to safety." Mick was trying his best to explain while trying to calm a panicked Zordon.

"I'll go. Science is boring anyway, Mick!" Brody responded and warped out of the room via teleportation due to his communicator.

"Well, he's going to be lectured by Uncle Zordon later." Kim said. 

Jotaro and Nathan nodded in agreement to Kim's statement. Zordon ALWAYS lectured the rangers whenever they went off alone on missions. It was forbidden for some reason, but Brody didn't care, as he was already in the Ninja Steel Red Ranger form and heading to the Armada Ship......

. . .

Rosaly was trapped on the Armada Ship and she knew she was in danger and in due time, Crown Prince Vekar of the Armada would force her to marry him. She knew he would do it, too. She just had to figure out how to escape, but she didn't know how. Just then, an explosion happened. Loud yelling followed and Vekar screamed out "NO!!!!!!" before he blew up. It was chaos. Vekar, Vrak, and Acherina had been blown to smithereens and the basherbots followed. Who had come to save her? Rosaly had no clue, but she was scared. Just then, the mysterious hero stepped forward towards the cage and opened the lock with the stolen key he had snagged from Argus before blowing him up. The red ranger had come to her rescue.

"Thank you so much.... How can I ever repay you?!" Rosaly was excited to be free.

"Just come with me, Princess." Ninja Steel Red said. Brody was smiling beneath his mask. He was looking at this beautiful girl. He felt something strange deep down. He felt a deep connection to her and she seemed to have the same feeling.

The red ranger scooped the princess into his arms and leaped into the falcon zord. Rosaly was amazed. She had been saved by one of the famous Power Rangers!!! She was really excited to find out who her real parents were, too. Her great great grandmother, Erina, had told her that a Power Ranger would come bring her home someday. That day was today! Rosy stayed close to the red ranger, who piloted the zord towards a mountain with a hidden entrance.

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