Midnight Snack

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Rosaly was laying in bed. It was around 12:00 AM at this point. She couldn't fall asleep and heard noises in the kitchen. She got out of bed and went downstairs, thinking it was her father or one of her siblings. When she got downstairs, she saw Brody making a snack consisting of blueberries and strawberries. She went up to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey Rosy.. I could tell you couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to make something for you." The boy blushed a deep red.

"You didn't have to... But I really appreciate it, Brody. It means a lot." the blue haired girl gave a brilliant smile that made her seem almost angelic.

Brody and Rosy sat in the kitchen, talking a bit. Zordon and Mick heard them since they were up early anyway and Zordon realized why Sarah, Brody, and Hayley were asking all these questions. Brody wanted help with what to get for Rosy. Mick smiled and nudged Zordon.

"My buddy's got a good eye for what to get your daughter. She's the apple of his eye, Zordon. Just give him a chance." Mick said with a smile.

"I guess it doesn't hurt. After all, he did save her." Zordon watched as Brody picked up a tired Rosy and went upstairs. It would take a while to get used to seeing Rosy hanging out with Brody, but then again, he and his wife did the same exact thing behind their parents' backs, too.

. . . 

Rosaly woke up the next morning and rubbed her eyes. She noticed someone asleep in the chair beside her bed and smiled when she saw Brody asleep there. She decided not to wake him and went back to sleep. She didn't like disturbing anyone, but she also needed more sleep, too.

Zordon ended up peeking in and finding the two asleep, but knew not to bother them since it was Saturday.

The Daughter of Zordon(Brody Romero x Rosaly Joestar)Where stories live. Discover now