Forced Wedding?

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It was a few weeks later, early in the morning and Rosaly was nowhere to be found. Zordon ran around trying to find her, but then sighed upon realizing that Vekar was at it again. He called the rangers in and told them that they get to crash a wedding. Brody knew what he meant and NYOOM! Brody was gone in a minute and Lightning followed suit.

. . .

Rosy was obviously trapped in the Armada ship and extremely bored and discovered a loose window. Time to make an escape! But before she could, Vekar came into the room, all giddy.

"Today's the day, Princess! Time for the wedding!" The robotic prince proclaimed.

"What if I don't want to?" Rosaly was being a wiseass and decided to make Vekar wonder what shes doing.

"What do you mean?" Vekar turned away.

"Uh....... She jumped." Vrak said.

"Wait what?!" Vekar yelled as he ran to the window that Rosy discovered.

Rosy was currently skydiving and having the time of her life and Brody used Tommy's falconzord to swoop in and save her again. This time, she wasn't a damsel in distress: She was the Purple Solar Ranger and determined to protect those she loves.

The Daughter of Zordon(Brody Romero x Rosaly Joestar)Where stories live. Discover now