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I walked down the hall, my head hurt as I walked closer to the Great Hall. As I walked in I noticed a massive Nightwing with feathers, he was covered in black starburst markings like a Dragonbite Viper bit him! I walked up to the dragon and asked, "Are you okay?" He seemed shocked that I spoke to him, he opened his mouth to speak but rushed off. I reached my talon out but coiled back knowing it wasn't worth it to talk to a dragon who will run from me. I continued walking to a random hallway, it seemed much darker down here than in the sleeping caves... how ironic! I walked up to a cave with a small sign labeled "Art Cave," above the entrance, it smelt like metal and paper in there so I avoided it and went back to walking down the long monotonous tunnel. All of the smells from inside the classrooms made my head hurt even more than it did before, Maybe the Ice Queendom isn't so bad with its lack of smells... my eyes grazed a sign with "Prey Center," scribbled on it. Ah! Food, I think that might cheer me up, as I walked into the room my headache softened due to the lack of speaking and more so disgusting eating sounds.

I scanned the room and noticed a smaller-sized Aviwing, She must be a teacher. She has the commanding stance of one. I snorted at my thoughts and walked up to her. "Hello, are you a teacher here?"
"Yes, I am! Call me Robin, I'm the principal's assistant. What can I help you with?"
"Do I have to fly off and catch my prey? I can't fly and I've never been good at hunting anything other than fruits..."
"Oh! No, you don't gotta go catch your prey, a small group of students offered a bit ago to go catch some birds and junk and I bet they would love to help you out!"
"Alright, thanks," I smiled at her and walked over to a small nook where nobody was sitting around. I lay down on the cold stone as I heard wing beats come closer and closer to the school. "I caught an eagle, Eagle!"
"You are so depressing! You know it's rude to kill a bird in front of an Aviwing!?"
"I don't care about that, food is food you dummy!" I looked over to the ledge that led off into the mountainside. 3 dragons landed with prey in their talons and mouths. Those must be the ones who left, it's so strange to see dragons from other tribes communicate. I stood up and started walking up to the small group who were still yabbering over a dumb bird. "Hey, can I have that eagle?" I mumbled as I spoke, the Nightwing holding it seemed to understand and handed it over without a word. I opened my mouth to say another word but just nodded, went back to where I was sitting, and started eating.

The eagle tasted off but I was so hungry it barely mattered to me. Once I was finished I looked up at the 3 dragons that showed up and the around 5 more that were already here... 8 dragons, 8, 3 plus 5 is 8... I repeated that over and over in my head until it sounded like pure gibberish. "Hey! Ugly hybrid! Stop staring at me," those few words snapped me out of my trance and I noticed I had been staring at Princess Windchill! Oh three moons, I'm dead! I'm so dead it's not even funny! I opened my mouth but the Princess stuck her talon up to my face. "Don't try to make dumb Mudwing excuses! I know you are just gonna spew something stupid like Mudwings always do," she blabbered like that Weasel dragonet did but she's less charming and more or less just rude. "I wasn't going to make excuses, you pathetic royal. I was thinking to myself!" I snapped at her. She seemed utterly appalled and glanced around like some guards were going to rush over and detain me for not liking being spoken down to. I stood up and noticed I towered over her, she gulped and started shaking. "No Mudwing like you can scare me!"
"Well good thing I'm not a full Mudwing."
"Hybrids aren't welcomed in the Ice Queendom, especially rude ones like you!" as she spoke I got tired of hearing another ice-crunching Icewing blabbering on about how they were better than me and I walked off. I could hear her say something but I was too annoyed, and secretly scared to really care to listen, so I walked into the library to get away to somewhere that must be quiet and safe. 

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