Chapter 1

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Ellie was so engrossed in her music, she didn't even notice the train had stopped. That is, until she was shaken awake by her best friend Nellie, who was frantically trying to get her attention. Sighing, Ellie removed her headphones, mentally cursing Nellie for waking her up.  

"What is it?" she asked her mate, who looked ready to explode. "Got to the exciting bit in your book again" Last time this had happened, Ellie had ended up with a 20 minute review on the entire plot of Twilight, and right now she didn't care how terrible the Edward/Bella situation was. However, when she looked closer in to her friend's eyes, Nellie looked absolutely terrified. 

"The train!" she finally managed to say, "It's stopped!"


The Doctor raced round the TARDIS, pressing buttons and pulling levers. But all to no avail. The screens showed nothing but static and klaxons were going off left right and centre.  

"Come on!" he yelled at the console "What are you doing?". Suddenly, the engines stopped. The lights dimmed and the wailing alarms were finally silenced. Rifling through his pockets, the Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at the console. "No power! But thats weird, I swear I didn't refuel that long ago! What have the bad boys done to you?" As if in answer, the floor of the TARDIS juddered, like an earthquake had it it, and the doors swung open.


Chaos quickly broke out through out the carriage. It was as if Nellie's words had broken some kind of spell. A huge rush of panic stricken voices filled the air as the passengers reacted in their own ways, phoning friends and family, crying for parents and, in Nellie's case, fainting. 

"Nell, Nell wake up!" Ellie cried, frantically trying to wake her best friend. All around her, people started exchaning theories about what had happened, each even more unlikely as the last. Remarks flew through the air ranging from "I'm sure it's just repairs or something" to "The driver's been kidnapped by aliens!" But right at that moment, all Ellie cared about was her friend. Frantically, she looked around, hoping to see someone who could help. Her gaze rested on a tall man with a bow tie, staring at her through the crowd. But somebody pushed her and she lost sight of him. 

"Out of my way, excuse me I'm a Doctor" a loud voice announced. Ellie looked up to see another man, this one was shorter, with a bushy ginger beard. "Is this the girl who fainted?" Ellie nodded. "I'm Doctor MacDonald" the man said, "I'll look after your friend"  

"Thank you!" Ellie said, relieved. Hopefully, everything would be ok. The ticket collector pushed his way through the crowd to stand in the middle of the carriage.  

"Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that due to unexpected problems, the train will be forced to stay here until we can fix it. In the meantime, we suggest all passengers should try and get some sleep." At this, the ticket collector marched off into the next carriage, ignoring the cries of dismay that soon sprang up among the crowd. Ellie sighed. It was going to be a long night.



I hope you enjoyed that! I'd just like to thank my good mate Nellie (wattpad name Nelliethellamacorn, go check her out) for helping me with the title and my friends on Facebook for being excellent proof readers! (You know who you are) I'll try and do cast list butI'm trying to find a suitable Ellie at the mo! Again, hope you enjoyed, please tell your mates and vote if you liked!!! -Daisy

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