Chapter 2

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Hi guys!! Sorry I've taken so long to upload this but it was my birthday on Saturday (Whoop!!) so every-thing's been kinda hectic!! But here is Chapter 2!!

Chapter 2

In the night, while all the passengers were sleeping, a strange light filled the train. It lasted for no more than a minute, then went out as quickly as it had appeared. No one noticed, no one except one small boy who couldn't get to sleep. Even he wasn't paying that much attention,and as he had been blinded by the light, he didn't notice that when the brightness left, it had taken one of the passengers with it.


Ellie awoke to a tidal wave of noise. It was like a room full of people all talking at once at the top of their voices. She caught snatches of chart hits, TV show theme tunes and what sounded suspiciously like opera. Blearily, she opened her eyes and then did a double take. The sound was coming from hundreds of mobile phones, ringing at top volume. But their owners were nowhere to be seen. For a second, all Ellie could do was simply stand and stare, paralysed by her fear. Then she pulled herself together and started searching the carriage for any signs of life. She checked everywhere, under seats, in the luggage racks, even in the toilets, but there was no one to be found. Ellie collapsed on a seat, with her head in her hands, the full weight of the situation finally sinking in. Despite her entire brain screaming at her that this was impossible, she had to face the truth. She was the only one left in the train.


The Doctor edged slowly along, sonic screwdriver held out in front of him. He was n't entirely sure what he was looking for in this eerily quite train, but so far, nothing had really jumped out at him. Well, nothing except the fact that the train was completely empty. Coats and bags littered the floor, some half oen, their contents spilling everywhere. The Time Lord shuddered. Something was not right. It was as if the passengers were still there, just hiding, ready to jump out and yell "BOO!". The Doctor picked up a half eaten blueberry muffin and licked it. "Still fresh," he muttered to himself "Looks like they didn't leave too long ago." Replacing the cake, The Doctor carried on walking down the train, unaware he was being watched.


After two minutes of trying to apply some vague form of logic to her situation, Ellie gave up and decided to investigate. She walked along the corridor, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling that she was being watched. At one point, she spun round on the spot, expecting to see a guard telling her that everyone had got off, or Nellie, laughing at how she'd had fallen for some bizarre practical joke. But she saw no one. Ellie grabbed an umbrella from and empty seat and brandished it like a club. At least if she did see someone, she could defend herself. Slowly, she approached a door, leading into the next carriage. Ellie thought she could hear faint noises coming from behind it, but she wasn't certain. Now she was properly getting freaked out. All her life she had wanted something interesting to happen. After all, her cousin had been sent to four psychiatrists for believing in an imaginary freind, why couldn't anything happen to her? But now something was happening. And Ellie wasn't entirely sure she liked it.


The Doctor knew something was coming. His sonic screwdriver was going haywire. Then he heard the footsteps. They were coming closer and closer, quiet, but growing ever louder. Strangely, the footsteps sounded hesitant, like whatever was making them was just as confused as he was, and probably twice as scared. The Doctor walked slowly forward, his feet barely making a sound on the carpeted floor. The footsteps stopped. The Time Lord had reached the carriage door. Slowly the door slid open revealing a young girl, about ten or eleven years old. The poor thing looked absolutely petrified. The two stood there for a moment, silently staring for abut a minute. It was as if time had stopped still. Then the girl moved, raising the umbrella she was holding. The Doctor felt a sudden pain in his head, and then all was black


So who liked that?? Don't forget to vote if you do and please comment, I'd love to hear fromm you guys!!! Next chapter shouldn't be TOO long but please don't hold me to that, I am notoriously bad at organising myself :(

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