Chapter 4

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Happy Easter guys!! I hope you all had a good time, even if you don't celebrate Easter (Hey, I don't want to leave anyone out!) I will try and update at least once in the Easter hols but I'm off to Wales next week so this might not get posted for a while! Anyway, on with the show and don't forget to comment cause I would really like to hear from you, even YOU... Sarah! (For those who get the reference, a million points)


The Doctor stared at the scene in front of him. Then he snapped back to reality. The first thing he did was scan the body with his sonic screwdriver. No signs of life, time of death probably about 10 hours ago. Then the Doctor turned to the kid. She had stopped sobbing by now but tears were still streaming down her face. The Time Lord knelt down until he was level with the child's eyes. They looked up at him with a mixture of ear and confusion. "Hey," The Doctor said in what he hoped was a comforting voice, "you OK?" "I didn't do it!" The child managed to say between sniffs. "I'm sure you didn't, you look too nice to do that. Plus this person has been shot with a laser gun and I don't think thay've been invented yet. What year is this anyway?" "2010" the girl replied, not even bothering to ask why the Doctor didn't know the year. Suddenly a though hit The Doctor. 2009 was the year before he ran away with Amelia Pond. That meant she might be still alive... No, the Doctor reminded himself. He couldn't stop her from running away with him. For a start, that would be altering a fixed point in time and anyway, he had enjoyed his time with the Ponds, even if it hadn't ended well. Right now he had more important thing to do. Like saving the world, again.


Ellie stared up at the strange man. Now she had stopped crying, she saw that actually, he wasn't as scary as he had seemed when she had seen him in the carriage. His longish brown hair flopped over one of his eyes, and a red bow tie was tied around his chin. Ellie smiled. A friend of hers had once worn a bow tie to school and kept it on for the entire day, despite getting teased for it. This guy made her feel.. safe somehow. "What's your name?" she asked tentatively. "Me?" the man said, "I'm the Doctor." He seemed to be waiting for her to say something so Ellie quickly said "I'm Ellie, Ellie Jones." The Doctor seemed a bit disappointed by her answer. "Um, who's that?" Ellie asked pointing at the dead body ling on the floor. "Let's have a look!" The Doctor grinned, jumping up and walking over to the body. He buzzed his weird silver wand... thing over the child who was lying there and flipped it up. "Well she's human, that's for certain. he said quietly. Ellie was confused by this. What else would they be? Aliens were little green men in flying saucers, not children, dead or alive. The Doctor was certainly odd  but was he really that odd? Plucking up all her courage, Ellie gulped and asked "Are you an alien?"


The Doctor stared at the kid. Ellie stared back, her brown eyes wide with fear. Normal people saved that question for a bit later on. Although, the Doctor supposed, this wasn't exactly an ordinary child. "Yes," he grinned, "I am an alien." Ellie's reaction wasn't exactly what he was used to. rather than yelling "No, really" then asking an endless stream of questions like most people, Ellie just grinned broadly and said "Finally!" "Finally what?" The Doctor asked, confused. "Finally something interesting happens to me!" the young girl replied, bouncing up and down. The Doctor stared at her, getting more confused by the minute. Five minutes ago, she had been sobbing on the floor, now she was bouncing around like a kangaroo at Christmas. "Are you... OK?" the Time Lord asked warily. Ellie stopped bouncing and stared at him. "Sorry, I get excited easily," she said, "Also I have literally been waiting my entire life for something cool to happen so I can actually be interesting like the rest of my family." The Doctor smiled sadly. Humans were always like that, underestimating themselves, thinking that they are all worthless and unimportant. "How are you family interesting?" he asked, walking over to her. "Well there's my Dad who has this super secret government job I'm not allowed to know about, my aunt and uncle apparently went missing for a few months and my cousin's been to four physciatrists because of her imaginary friend." The Doctor nearly gasped in shock. Missing patrents, an imaginary friend, it all pointed to one girl. "What's your cousin's name?" he asked, dreading the answer. "Ameila, Amelia Po0d."


Dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUUUN (Sorry I had to)

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