Chapter 3

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Hi guys!! Again SO SORRY for the wait, I am literally the most unorganised person in the entire universe... but Chapter 3 is now here!! Also, I've just started another story called Teen Wolf that isn't actually a fanfic but I was fed up with all the lovey-dovey werewolf stuff so I wrote my own! Anyhow, back to Doctor Who, and Ellie's in trouble....


Ellie ran. She ran faster than she had ever run before. she had to get away from the man. Logically speaking, this probably wasn't the best idea but Ellie was too scared to care. She pelted through a doorway and found herself in the partition between two carriages. This part of the train was just a luggage rack so she was probably safe here. She bent over for a few seconds to catch er breath, but when she got up she noticed something between the bags and suitcases. Ellie frowned and pulled the bags apart, trying to get a closer look. It seemed just to be a pile of clothes, probably fallen out of someone's suitcase. However, when Elie tried to pull on the sleeve of a moth eaten grey hoodie, a hand fell out of the end. A small dainty hand with long nail. A hand with no pulse.


The Doctor moaned as he regained consciousness. The girl had whacked him pretty hard, well, hard for a ten year old. He could feel a lump forming on his head. However, this was no time to be lying around on the floor. The Doctor had to find the child before whatever took the other passengers took her too. For some bizzarre reason this frightened young girl seemed familiar to him, like someone he had met a while ago, but hadn't really paid much attention too at the time. This time, however, he was definitly paying attention. A loud scream jerked the Doctor out of his thoughts and in to reality. Someone needed hs help. Pulling himself off the ground, he sprinted along the train until he reached the luggage compartment where Ellie lay on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Beside her lay the dead body of a young girl


DISCLAIMER: As awesomne as it would be, I sadly do not own Doctor Who, that belongs to the BBC. I do, however, own Ellie Jones and Nellie Brett but the rest are pretty much all Doctor Who. If you would like to use any of my characters, please ask me first, I'll probably say yes :)

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