Chapter 6

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OK, so I have finally thought of an idea. I'm going to alternate this fanfic with my other (Harry Potter) one. SO one week I'll work on Flying Scarlet and the other I will do The New Marauders (which you should all read :D) Hopefully getting into a routine will mean I update more (please don't hold me to that). Oh, and if you didn't know, and I haven't told you (I have the WORST memory) Andrew Scott plays Moriarty in the BBC Sherlock and I personally think he should be the next Master. I'll try and post a video of him being an amazing psychopath


The Doctor jumped. The sound had echoed through the empty carriage like a shout in a tunnel, filling the silence. A gunshot. Quickly, he ran towards the source of the noise, towards the opposite end of the train from Ellie and the TARDIS. At least neither of them were hurt. Running down aisles of chairs, all covered with bags and coats, the Doctor finally emerged into what looked like the buffet car. He wasn't alone. Standing behind the counter, gun still smoking, was a robot. A sleek modern design, with an almost human face, apart from the glowing eyes. And the metal fangs. "Oy," the Doctor called over to the figure, "Why have you been shooting? You ought to be more careful, you might kill someone!" The android's metal face turned almost 180 degrees to face the Doctor. "That was generally the idea, Time Lord."


Ellie stared at The Master. He grinned again, but there was something about that smile that made Ellie feel uneasy. It was almost like a snake, cold and emotionless. "How do you propose getting out of here then?" she asked, folding her arms and trying to cover up her terror. "We are in the middle of nowhere, in case you hadn't noticed." The Master were still smiling, seemingly unfazed by what she was saying. "Aren't you feisty?" he drawled. "A lot like your cousin. Now she had a temper that matched her hair!" Ellie froze. How did this man know Amy? He looked too old to be her boyfriend or anything and her cousin had never metioned anyone called The Master. Amy always told her everything, even all the stuff about people teasing her because of the Raggedy Doctor. "How do you know her?" Ellie asked, a note of fear returning to her voice. "She never mentioned you." The Master's face fell. "Of course she didn't!" he snapped "She didn't know about me. Not even the Doctor knows I'm here." Ellie was frightened by the sudden change in  temper. She ran for the oor, but there was a buzzing sound from behind her, and it locked. Spinning round, she saw the Master walking towards her. "You can't run you know," he smirked, the snale-smile back. "You can't even hide.


Apologies for the shortness, I have writer's block :( Don't forget to vote and comment, and, if you love fantasy, dragon type stories, check out my mate @WeeWinkle, she is totally awesome :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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