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dedication: t-thatonegirl-l for being super rad

side/top: what the boys, tori (purple hair), and eliza ann look like


september (eight months ago)

ashton was anxious. he looked himself over in the mirror. he straightened his tie. did he put it on right? he thought so. what if he got in trouble for having his tie on wrong? ashton had never been to a private school, and especially not one as prestigious as kennedy high. he didn't know if you got in trouble because your tie was on wrong, or if you wore the wrong socks. speaking of socks, ashton looked down at his feet. was he wearing the black socks? did he have different colored ones on each foot?

no. he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. he's just working himself up.

today was his first day at kennedy high school, the private school he got a scholarship to for his last year of high school. he was very nervous. what if he couldn't make friends? what if the teachers were harsh, and gave lots of homework?

ashton felt his breaths accelerate, and he sat down on his bed. you can't do this today, he thought to himself. not today.

"ashton? we have to go!" his mum's voice floated up the stairs and into his room.

"okay, mum. i'm coming," ashton said as he tugged on his shoes. he checked that they were double knotted, and then grabbed his backpack.

he walked down the stairs. his mum was waiting at the bottom. she smiled at her son. "you look so grown up in your uniform," anne marie said, tears brimming in her eyes.

"thanks," ashton mumbled. "should we get in the car?"

anne marie nodded. "let's go." she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and then left through the front door of the house to get to the car. ashton followed close behind.

his stomach flipped over and over. the first day was finally here. he'd been waiting for-and dreading-the arrival of the first day of school, and it was here.

he leaned his head against the window, using his curly hair as a cushion to protect himself from hitting his head.

ashton was excited. very excited, but also nervous. very nervous. he was really worried about making friends. like, really worried. when he was in year seven, he had no friends. everyday, he sat alone at his lunch table. even though he wasn't, and had never been a very religious person, he prayed for a friend. just one. needless to say, he got a friend. her name was sam, and they became pretty close. unfortunately, sam moved to perth right before year eight started. so, ashton really wanted to make a friend.

"are you ready?" anne marie patted ashton's knee. she parked the car against the curb of the street.

ashton peered out the window at the walls of the high school. they were brown and made of brick. students were streaming into the building through huge doors. ashton unbuckled his seat belt and grabbed his backpack.

"have a good day, ashton. behave," anne marie said as ashton opened the car door.

"yeah. i will," he murmured. he stepped onto the sidewalk, and gave his mother a tiny wave. she smiled and waved back.

"do you have your phone?"




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