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side/top: the boys' outfits for the party

dedication: nightmaredisxrder , much love xx


october (seven months ago)

ashton was stressed. he had piles of homework, and his mum was on his back to get a job. he'd been to three job interviews so far, all of them for menial, boring jobs he had no interest in. luke, michael, and calum had been helping ashton with his homework, but they had their own to do. sometimes, ashton studied with tori.

or rather, he studied while tori whined about capitalism and the school system.

at least he didn't get in much trouble with teachers. and, his tachycardia hadn't been bothering him lately. but he figured that was just because he hadn't been in too serious of a situation.

anyway, he was really stressed out. that's why when calum invited ashton to a party at his place this weekend, ashton accepted.

the entire week, ashton slaved over his homework and taking care of his siblings and waiting to hear back from the people who ran the job interviews.

finally, it was friday. ashton sat between michael and luke at the lunch table. calum sat across from them, talking about how he got his parents out of the house for the whole weekend.

"i texted mali telling her i was having a party, and she's got like three weeks off so she said she'd take them out for a little weekend get away until monday. i figured that's enough time to through a fucking awesome party and still clean the whole house before they get back."

luke clapped excitedly. "this is going to be so much fun!" he turned to ashton. "have you ever been to a party?"

ashton hesitated, and then said, "once. at the beginning of last year. my girlfriend convinced me to go."

michael said, "oh, yeah. gia. i remember you mentioned her once or twice."

ashton nodded. "her."

"did you have fun?" luke looked at ashton with his eyebrows raised.


"anyway," calum went on, "it's going to be great. i told maya--you guys know her, right? the one who tells everyone everything about everybody?--to do her stuff and apparently, now everyone knows. also, i asked mali to hook us up with some alcohol. uuuuuunfortunately, she refused. something about how she doesn't want to get arrested for providing alcohol for minors. but, then i asked davis--you know, the druggie?--and he said he'd get some stuff, and maybe throw in some pot if i pay him extra."

ashton nearly choked on his apple juice. "you're paying a guy to bring alcohol to a party?!"

calum's eyebrows furrowed. "yeah. i can't get it for myself, and davis isn't cheap. he charges for this stuff."

"besides, the more alcohol we get, the better people will think the party is," luke said. he ran his hands through his quiff.

ashton stood up, and told the boys he was going to dump his tray and then go to the bathroom.

luke watched ashton walk away, and then turned to the other guys. "okay. we all know ashton is really stressed out. therefore, i propose my plan: get ashton laid."

michael raises his eyebrows. "you have a plan to get ashton laid?"

"of course. he needs it."

"you can't just plan to get someone laid and have it work, lucas. i've tried," calum said.

results ⇒a.i auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora