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in honor of sgfg's release: an update

side/top: ashton and eliza's date outfits, the song ash and eliza listen to during couple's skate


december (five months ago)

ashton was nervous. tonight was his third date with eliza ann, and it was the night he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend. he had the whole night planned out--not that having things planned would ensure the night's success. he hadn't planned their second date, and it had gone pretty well. that's what ashton thought, anyway.

the week after their first date, eliza and ashton had flirted back and forth, usually over text, but occasionally in person. ashton didn't want to lose momentum, so about a week and a half after he and eliza first went out, he asked her out again. they'd gone out to dinner at la boheme restuarant & bar, and then to the movie theater to see mockingjay part one. ashton had slipped his arm around eliza ann a few minutes into the movie. his sister, lauren, had told him not to do the whole 'i'm just stretching' thing, so he just placed his arm around eliza's shoulders. she seemed happy enough; she'd snuggled into ashton. he'd given her his sweatshirt, too. ashton had noticed how she kept discreetly taking deep breaths in, probably smelling the cologne he'd lightly spritzed on. the movie ended around 9:30, and ashton had taken her home directly after. it was a wednesday, after all. they'd kissed for a few minutes, and then eliza had gone inside. they hadn't been interrupted by mason again, thank god.

now, ashton planned on taking eliza ann to a rollerskating rink, and hopefully to an arcade. once there, he'd win her a bear or something, and put a little heart-shaped card in its hands and give it to her. the card would basically ask her her to be his girlfriend. hopefully, she would say yes, and they would be official.

today was friday, and ashton had asked eliza ann out on wednesday--he'd texted her asking if she would like to go out with him (the answer came less than two minutes later: yes). he'd told her to dress casual (again). he was picking her up in five minutes, so he was in his mom's car and on the way to eliza's. ashton hummed along to clairvoyant by the story so far. he pulled into eliza's driveway. he sat there for a bit, itching his knuckle and looking himself over. his tank top was the same shade of black as his skinny jeans. the red on his bandanna matched the red on his tank top, and probably the red on his cheeks--he tended to blush when he was nervous and/or excited.

finally, the front door opened, and eliza bounded out. she hugged her mom, julie (ashton had met her briefly when he picked eliza up for their second date), and dashed to ashton's car. she opened the door. ashton smiled slightly, taking in her appearance. she was wearing black jeans (ashton strained to keep his eyes off her butt), a black and white striped shirt that made her look more tan than usual, and tan boots that somehow made her legs look miles (well, miles was a bit of an exaggeration, but ashton still thought they looked really long). people always said that guys didn't notice/care about what girls wore, but ashton considered himself different. he was going to notice when a girl looked pretty in what she was wearing. he liked it even more when she was confident in what she was wearing.

"hey." eliza ann tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. she grinned at ashton.

"hi. you look beautiful," ashton said. he leaned over the console between the two of them and kissed her cheek.

she blushed. "thank you. you look...beautiful too?"

ashton giggled and put the car in reverse and laid his arm across eliza's seat to give him a better view of the driveway. he backed out of eliza's driveway, almost hitting a garbage can on the way out.

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