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side/top: tori with her new hair, ashton's and eliza's date outfits


november (six months ago)

ashton was relaxed. he had become better at managing his homework load. he got a job working at the mall. he was doing well in school. he got a decent eight hours of sleep on school nights (twelve on the weekends). life was pretty good for him.

the only thing that was bothering him was how much he thought about eliza ann.

when they both woke up the morning after the party, eliza had shot out of bed, hurriedly putting her clothes back on. ashton had sat up and looked at her incredulously. "ashton, i'm really sorry," eliza said. "you probably didn't want to hear all about my life last night. can we just..." she sighed. "can we just go back to normal?"

"we never talked before! only if i was with tori and you were too." ashton hopped out of bed, not caring that he was wearing only boxers. "i--i really liked talking to you last night."

eliza was putting her hair into a messy bun. she turned towards ashton, and sat on the bed. "i don't really open up to people a lot," she said. "can i trust you?"

"of course. i would never tell anyone," ashton said, "even with your permission, i still wouldn't tell." he sat down next to her.

eliza leaned her head on ashton's shoulder. "and i would never tell anyone at all about yours," she said.

ashton exhaled. "thank you." he flopped back on the bed. "my head is killing me."

eliza ann laid down beside him. she turned, her forehead against ashton's shoulder. "mine is too," she murmured. ashton wrapped an arm around her. "i'm so tired, and i just woke up," he said.

"me too." eliza slid back under the covers. she was quiet for a second as if she was deciding what to do next. finally, she said softly, "are you coming?"

ashton ecstatically slipped back under the covers, curling his body around eliza ann's. they both fell asleep, and when ashton woke up a few hours later, he left. he had ten calls from his mom, and a (drunk) text from luke that said "iam soerey qshtonb,, plewase frguve mee?/.l" it was two in the afternoon, and he had to get home. before he left, however, he got a pad of paper from upstairs and wrote eliza a note:

eliza ann,

i really liked being with you. i didn't want to leave, but my mom called me ten times and is apparently really pissed. please don't be mad that i left. i brought a box of cheerios from the kitchen for you because you kept saying cheerios when you slept. by the way, you're really adorable when you sleep...i don't mean that creepily. i just woke up and you were still asleep and i kind of watched you for a little bit...fuck, that sounds really creepy. i'm not a weird pervert i swear. this note is kind of falling apart, wow. why did i write this in pen? god ashton, you're so stupid.


ashton :)

p.s. please don't be mad that i left. i'm sorry.

p.p.s i'm really not creepy; please believe me.

p.p.p.s you're really good at giving head for your first time

p.p.p.p.s okay that was a little creepy .please ignore that last bit. okay bye for real now.

anyway, that was two weeks ago. they hadn't really ignored each other since then, but they hadn't made that big of an effort to see/speak to each other. however, ashton couldn't stop thinking about eliza ann. the way her nose scrunched up when she yawned. how it felt to have her small hands tangled in his hair. how she so willingly snuggled into him. the way her lips felt. and ashton had thought about her in...other ways too. let's just say it's a lot easier to imagine it's someone else's hands when they've done it to you in real life. and eliza had given ashton a lot of material to...er...think about while he was...never mind.

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