Plan in Action

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"talk" bond (or "talk" in flashback)

Harry felt the free fall and would've enjoyed the wind passing through him if he wasn't being screamed at. He put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. Hedwig came souring though the sky at him. Her wing tips glowed as they started catching on fire. Harry put a hand up to touch her and they both disappeared in a ball of flame.

The professors were shocked to the core. They just saw Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, commit suicide. Running to the edge, they heard a small whistle and saw a bird come flying towards Harry and his hand reached out and disappear in a ball of flames.

They both ran back down the Astronomy Tower into the Great Hall where everyone was still sitting. They only left twenty minutes ago. Was it really that long? Snape burst through the door while Professor McGonagall walked at a slower pace. She looked at the students faces. Some were looking at her while others started looking at Snape whispering in Dumbledore's ear, while the rest were staring at the door seeing if Harry was going to walk through. Dumbledore turned white when Snape handed him the letter.

The Slytherin's were wondering what was going on right now. They knew that their Head of House never got along with the headmaster and was now having a whispered conversation. Dumbledore stood up and the hall went quiet. He took a breath trying to get his emotions under control.

"This evening, one of our numbers are gone," whispering broke out while the Weasley's and Hermione looked unaffected.

"Harry Potter is not dead-" a few groans were heard from Slytherin, "but has left a letter he dropped. As it addressing the student body I shall read it.

Hello Headmaster, professors, students, 'friends',

If you haven't already guessed, I'm gone. Not dead but has probably left and I have no intentions of coming back either so don't even bother. Now, you're probably wondering why I left. Am I not the Boy-who-lived? The one who saved all your miserable hides? Or as I personally like calling myself The Boy-who-acts-like-everyones-scapegoat-while-everyone-sits-on-their-ass-and-does-nothing-all-day. Think I'm being a bit harsh? I think not. I'll tell you a little story about why.

You see, there was a boy, who was loved by his parents, godfather and his father's friends. Now, one day, they went into hiding for some reason. They preformed the fidelius charm that needs a secret keeper. Now, the godfather and father were brothers in all but blood but, they thought it was the perfect plan. Too perfect. You see ladies and gentlemen, that person would only make sense to be the secret keeper so the godfather switched with a friend who they thought no one would suspect. It was perfect. If only the secret keeper wasn't a spy. He had been spying for Voldemort-"

There were loud gasps and screams of shock.

"Once you people stop freaking out on a fake name, anyway, he betrayed their secret. Voldemort went after the father first, trying to give the mother time to run with the child but there were wards around the house preventing the escape. Voldemort killed off the father first then went after the mother. She barricaded the nursery while trying to calm the baby down. Voldemort then blasted open the door and turned his wand on the mother, giving her a chance to live. She never took the offer. Instead, she pleaded to not kill her child so he killed her. He finally turned to the child and said the unforgivable 'Avada Kedava.' The spell reflected because of the sacrifice the mother made to protect her child and destroyed his body. The child was now crying for his mother when his godfather found him and got him out of the burning house. Then a half giant came to take him to his last living relatives. The godfather persisted to take the child but the half giant would have none. So he settled for the next best thing; Revenge and to bring in the traitor. The half giant took him to the Aunt's house where the headmaster was and put him on the door step in the middle of the night, disappearing for the next ten years.

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