Meeting the Team and the New Case

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"Tony. Stop that!"


"Throwing balls of paper at me,"

"Why would I do that?"

"Tony, remember I can kill with a credit card."

McGee rolled his eyes and went back to his computer. Tony and Ziva kept bickering.

"You two! Quite flirting! It's too early in the morning for that. We need to finish the paper work before Gibbs gets h-"

"Too late McGee."

Gibbs said. He sat at his desk with his coffee still steaming. He turned to his computer. He just came back from retirement and since the team now knew about Kelly, he put a picture of her and little Harry running through the house. It was one of the few times Gibbs saw Harry so care free. The team didn't know about his almost adoptive son. No one did really, not even Ziva.

The neighborhood of Little Whinging was a snobbish "Stuck up, prissies" is how Shannon called it. Kelly went to school and ended up bringing a friend home. Harry was small and had on clothes that looked like rags. His green eyes are something Gibbs could recognize anywhere. It didn't take long to figure out something was wrong with his home life but there wasn't anything Gibbs could do and it almost broke Shannon's heart. So Kelly said that Harry could have a sleep over here every other day during the week and always on the weekend. Shannon thought it was a wonderful idea. When they suggested the idea to the Dursley's, they weren't happy about it but they let Harry go anyway. If Harry could say it, it would have been the best four years of his life. Until Gibbs got a call saying he had to come back to America. Kelly cried for a week when Gibbs told her that they were leaving. So Kelly and Harry spent as much time together as possible, trying to make up until they meet next time. Right before they left, Gibbs gave Harry his "lucky knife," he called it, along with his number and he wrote on the back his Marine serial with KG at the end, for Kelly. "If you ever need me, I'm only a call away," Four months after they moved back to the States was when Shannon and Kelly were killed. Gibbs sent a letter over and asked that it would be delivered in person. The mail person later said that it broke his heart seeing the young boy being told his friend died.

Gibbs would be by his phone to see if Harry would call. But the call never came so he thought that the Dursley's took away the number. His phone rang and startled him out of his musing. Checking the caller id, it was an unknown number from over seas. Gibbs flipped it open.

"Yeah. Gibbs."

"Hello, Gibbs? It's Harry," Harry? The only Harry he knew was Harry Potter and he hasn't heard from him in years.

"Harry who?"

"Harry Potter sir, from when you, Shannon and Kelly where in England six years ago. You gave me your card and put your serial number on the back with Kelly's initials and was told to call if I ever needed too." Gibbs paused. Why was he calling after all these years? Is he in trouble now?

"Harry? Little Harry who would sneak around the house causing trouble with Kelly and some how always get away with it?"

"Yes sir." Gibbs could almost hear the smirk. Those two knew that they could get away with it so they always made the most of it.

"I need your help."

"Relatives?" Gibbs loathed those Dursleys with a passion. How any one could think child abuse was fine wasn't a person in his books. That's part of the reason why he always wants to make sure that he can get the maximum prison sentence to the ones he can catch.

"No, I'm leaving the country," 'What did the kid do?'

"What did you do to warrant that?"

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