I'm a Prince?

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When the doctors treated her for her amnesia but nothing could be done. They said that she would have to recover in her own time. Only then did they let me in to see her. She recognised me instantly. The doctors were shocked because she couldn't even remember her own name. This was a breakthrough though, now that she had recognised me, she was able to remember herself again.

When the two year anniversary showed up, I took her to a mysterious flower covered gazebo near the edge of Hyde park. No one else knew about it because I had personally bought it.

I proposed to her on one knee, like a gentleman should, and she hesitated, and ran to the river. She jumped in, I had no clue but when she came back out she jumped into my arms, and stared into my eyes. She accepted but only on the condition that I kiss her. I did of course, but she ended up pulling away because she couldn't breath and people started staring at us. It may have been because I was standing there with Hazel in my arms kissing for like 10 minutes.

We were unable to go on our honeymoon because of the death of my late grandmother, but it was alright because we were happily married until I got a call from my darling Hazel and all I could hear was the muffled sounds of screaming.

When I got a wheel chair for hazel, I decided to go to the courthouse. I had already told the hospital to go there. On the way there, I noticed that she had noticed.

When we got to the court house, I knew that she saw the doctors from the hospital, but I refused to let her see them. I had to do this, for the love of my life, even if she wouldn't like me afterwards.

We managed to win the case and the doctors were never allowed to work in a public hospital again.

When we were leaving, I gave the wheelchair to a homeless man who I noticed had a broken leg, but he was crying because he couldn't pay the fees, so I took him to the hospital and paid for them.

When we were leaving the hospital, I noticed my adopted father, who was wearing the most exquisite clothing around, I left Hazel on a bench and went to talk to him.

He said, "My boy, I am the crown prince, did you not know when I first adopted you? You may be at the bottom of the line, but it is true, you are a prince, is that your girlfriend? Wife? She will be a princess, and the happiest woman alive, you made a good choice son."

I couldn't believe it, I was royalty! "Father, I don't want my wife to know, she has been through a lot in the past year, can you please keep it a secret for me?" he agreed and granted me a free trip to anywhere I wanted to go. I declined though, we could pay for ourselves and I don't think we were ready to go anywhere just yet.

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