He was making noodles

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"I mean my parents were murdered when I was still a teenager, but I had people I could rely on. I may have only been adopted, but I am still a prince in name, and that is my wife you are kidnapping. If you don't want me to call the police, I could always call my adopted father. What would you like me to do?"

"Your adopted father? Doesn't that mean that he would have to be far down the line as well, your royally adopted highness?"

But then I heard Hazel shout out at her, "YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT! Do I have to address you as your highness now my love? OI miss smith, that is no way to talk to a member of the royal family."

"I may be far down the line, but that is because I was adopted, my father is the crown prince!"

I saw everyone laugh, I suppose they didn't believe me, but this meant that everyone let their guard down and I had a chance to escape. I grabbed Hazel and made a run for it, she had to give me directions though.

As we ran for our lives, we found our way in a gully, there were many playgrounds with kids running everywhere, we just had to make it to the oval and we would be free. I looked up and saw the helicopter above.

But I never remember getting to the helicopter, I tripped and tumbled down the hill, dropping my wife at the top.


I fell out of his arms as I saw him roll down the hill. I saw a helicopter in the sky, hovering over the oval, maybe that was why he said we had to get to the oval.

I waved to the helicopter and they landed, then I ran down the hill to rescue my husband.

I couldn't climb the hill very well normally, let alone carrying someone, so I kept sliding down again. Just as I was about to give up, I saw someone in fine clothing running down the hill. Henry's adopted father? What was he doing here, wait he's the crown prince?

"I've come to help, give him to me." I helped Henry with his father, but I had to help because the hill was steeper than before.

When we got to the helicopter, he explained that Henry had called him and told him that i was kidnapped and to come urgently. Apparently he had never actually expected him to come. I was just wondering what on earth he was doing in Australia? I asked him. He just said it was business. I thought nothing of it.

When Henry woke up he saw that I had been crying and wiped the tears from my eyes. He was on my lap because there wasn't much room in the helicopter. We had been running for what felt like hours, so we were very exhausted. But when I realised that I had no idea where we were going, I asked Henry but he had no clue either. We had to get back to my friend's house. Surely Alice would wonder where we were when we hadn't got back on time.

We managed to convince them to let us down and we went back.

I helped Henry up the steps, and into the house.

When I found Alice there, she was lying there, helpless on the floor. I helped her to her room and let her sleep. When I went back into the kitchen I found Henry making noodles.

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