Another dream

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A few days ago, I woke up from a really good dream. I woke up in bed, but it was the same bed that was in my dreams, next to me was my wife from my dreams. Was it really a dream? When I realised it wasn't, I tried to wake Hazel up, she wouldn't. She just kept sleeping, with her showing no signs of waking up. I decided to just get on with the day, no use dwelling and doing nothing.

I wanted to redecorate so I went out and bought some new wallpaper, and some new carpet. When I got home, Hazel had still not moved. I then got to work on the carpet, I managed to get the help of Lottie and we started stripping up the old one.

We managed to move all of the furniture with just the two of us and we managed to fit the carpet without having to call someone in to do it for us.

Since Lottie has known Hazel since she first moved to the UK for university, I suspected that she would know everything about my wife. I wanted to fit a new kitchen as our current one is not very practical and the colours are very bland.

While we were out finding all the components for the kitchen Lottie asked me a very serious question, "why are you going out of your way to do this? Are you doing this to impress her, or just so if she finds you unworthy, that she can't leave you?" of course i had no idea what she was going on about but I couldn't find any way out of her questions. "Is this because you feel guilty with all that has happened to her over the years? Or is it something else?"

"Like what? What else would there be other than to treat my wife with a change when she wakes up?"

"Well, you could have another woman."

"That's nonsense, after all these years, you still don't trust me?"

We argued for a while about things that Lottie didn't understand, and even questioned why we hadn't had kids yet. I guess Hazel didn't tell her then.

"Hazel can't have kids!"

"Ohh do you not try then, you know it might take a while, but you know she might."

"No she cant. You know four years ago, when she had that incident? We went to the hospital and the doctors said she couldn't."

"Oh" i guess she now understood our situation, besides i didn't want kids i doubted Hazel did either, she never mentioned wanting kids before the incident.

"No, the reason I'm doing this for her is because it's our five year anniversary soon, and I want her to live in a really nice home, even when I'm not there."

"What are you hiding from her not? You don't have some health condition or cancer do you?" I really needed to tell someone, but I knew I couldn't tell Lottie before Hazel because she would probably tell her and she would wonder why I didn't tell her first or something.

When we finished kitchen shopping and had it all fitted, Lottie went home and I sought out my father. Father had always been good to me, even if the king wasn't. But I had to make sure that the king would never find out about it. I had to make him swear to secrecy.

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