He is my husband!

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"What on earth do you mean grandfather?" he didn't reply, "your majesty?"

I never expected him to resort to this, did he not want me to be with her that much? Did he hate her enough to come to this conclusion?

"She's hiding something from you."

"Hiding what sir?'

"I suspect she has another man."

"You cannot be serious. How do you suspect that?" it made no sense, the first person she called when she was being assaulted was me, she went everywhere with me, she never met up with anyone without me, not even her best friend. Unless...

"How come she didn't cry when I grabbed you?"

"Oh was that your plan all along wasn't it. I suppose you also had her followed?"

"I had to, it was for your own safety, what if she hurt you like that woman who murdered your mother?"

"Just don't bring her into this would you, please. Just let me go home. I want to see you here."

He did let me go home but when I got in all I saw was destruction.

A while after we had moved into our new place, we sat down and decorated the room with Lego sets we had made together.

When I walked into that room, they had all been ruined. I walked into our bedroom to find Hazel in a bundle on the floor wrapped in the bed sheet. I walked over to her but she was unconscious, she was covered in blood, but before I could check her health more I heard a noise coming from the cupboard. As I turned around, the door opened and who stepped out was someone I was all too familiar with.

I screamed as she came towards me with a knife dripping with blood. Her voice came out like the screeching of a car as she came closer. I would have called the police but she plunged the knife into my leg, deeper and deeper until it almost came out the other side. I screamed and must have blacked out due to loss of blood.


I gave up trying to call Henry because I knew he would never pick up, but just as I was about to make some food, I heard someone knock at the door. I knew it would not be my husband.

I looked through the peephole in the door and saw a girl I had never seen before. I opened the door but as I was about to ask her what she wanted she barged in.

"So this is my beloved's home. It doesn't quite fit my taste though, as long as he is happy."

"I'm sorry, who are you? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to see my beloved, are you his maid?"

"Who is your beloved, what business do you have in my house?"

"You house? This is my beloved's house, oh I guess he hasn't told you, Prince Henry is to be my husband."
"What can this be? Henry? You mean Henry Horizon?"

"Yes prince Henry Horizon, what business do you have with him?"

Just another day in Londonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن