2: Where is she?

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Second chapter! This is un-edited so ignore any grammar/ spelling mistakes. Hope you enjoy and if you are reading this don't forget to comment:)

Diana had been reading the book for a long, long time now in the private reading room. She didn't know how much time she had been reading the book, but Everleigh definitely noticed, as she was holding the library open 2 hours past it's usual closing time just for Diana.

Diana was so completely engrossed in the book, she had completely forgot about everything that happened with her parents. At this point she knew everything about Narnia. She read all about the White Witch and Aslan, all about centaurs and Minotaurs and griffins, she had read about dragons, and the kings and queens that had saved Narnia. The legend stated that the kings and queens were still ruling.

The book never stated how long ago the events took place, plus Narnia's time worked way differently than earths, according to the book.

All she could wonder was is Narnia real? And how can I get to Narnia? She really wanted to go, but she didn't even know if it was a real place, and she doubted it was.

The rough, yet elegant, drawings of the kings and queens were very vague, and she wondered what they would look like in real life.

She imagined Susan as a very beautiful woman, with grace and enchantment surrounding her.

She imagined Lucy as a bubbly and bright girl, who left shining smiles wherever she went.

She imagined Peter as a tough, muscular, handsome man, who made Narnians bow down as he walked by.

Then when it came to Edmund, she imagined a slimy grease ball with no specialness.

Diana finally tore her eyes from the book when Everleigh knocked on the door and creaked it open.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know the time. It's 8:30 sweetie."

"Oh I'm so sorry Everleigh, I completely lost track of time!" Diana explained truly meaning her words.

"It's fine, really Diana, I'm thrilled you have so much interest in Narnia. I myself have-" she cut herself off, "you know what, how about you take the book home."

Everleigh was delighted that Diana liked the tales so much. Everleigh was hiding something though. Diana was just too blond to see it.

"Oh no I couldn't. It's yours, really. I can just come back to read it! I know you love me."

Everleigh laughed at this then Diana walked down the stairs after thanking Everleigh.

As soon as Diana left the building, she suddenly had the urge to rush home.


When Diana walked into the building, she was cautious not to be seen by her parents, but they were no where to be seen. This wasn't unusual, but she thought they at least would wait for her to disappear, she doubted they even noticed her gone.

She sighed as she began to walk up the stairs. When she reached her bedroom door, she closed her eyes imagining herself in Narnia. she held her hand out to her door handle, opened the door, stepped into her room and felt a warmness come over her. She opened her eyes to see herself on a Sandy beach with waves rippling infront of her.

She widened her eyes. Was she hallucinating? Was she in Narnia? She began to look around. Behind her were trees and in front of her mountains in the distance behind the water.

She smiled and took off her shoes as she ran into the water, her hair blowing in the breeze

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She smiled and took off her shoes as she ran into the water, her hair blowing in the breeze. She twirled and looked into the blue skies enjoying every minute she had with this beautiful landscape.

She stepped out of the water when she heard hooves crashing into the sand. She looked into the distance to reveal horses galloping- no, those were centaurs! She had read about them in multiple books, including the book about Narnia.

She felt herself smiling at the sight of them, until she realized where they were heading, right towards her!

She didn't know what to do, she would never be able to outrun them, or even fight them off. Although she took many martial arts classes back home, that wouldn't help in this situation. Martial Arts was the only 'sport' she didn't refuse to practice. She was quite good. But that wasn't the point.

She was just staring. What was she supposed to do?

When they finally reached her, not to long after she had spotted them, the one that seemed to be leading them spoke up.

"What is your name, daughter of Eve?"

"I won't tell you mine if you don't tell me yours."

"Uh-" he was surprised by her answer.

"Your name child." Another centaur inquired sounding demanding and done with her snarkyness.

Diana gave in and spoke, "Diana."

The centaurs began having a conversation pretending she wasn't even there. "We should take her to Cair Paravel to be questioned."

Diana smiled widely remembering the name from the book.

"Yes! Yes! Take me there!"

They all looked at her confused at her confident and happy expression.

"Sorry. Continue."

The leader had her get on his back as he rode with the rest of the group. Diana was not wearing proper riding attire. She was still wearing a skirt and she didn't even have shoes!

She felt very uncomfortable and weird but sucked it up.

They rode for what seemed like 2 minutes as she took in the beautiful scenery once again.

The next thing she saw was 10x more pretty than any of the scenery they passed on the way. Cair Paravel. It was the most beautiful thing she's ever seen.

 It was the most beautiful thing she's ever seen

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(Pretend okay?)

The castle in front of her was unlike any of the others she imagined. The intricate detail and design was astonishing.

The centaurs rode up to the base of the stairs that led to the castle and Diana just stared in shock. It was just so breathtaking.

She jumped from the centaurs back and began walking the stairs. It was silent the whole way and all she heard was birds cries of joy as they soared the skies, freedom was all she heard, and pure beauty.

Words: 1,052

Hey! Another chapter! I wanted to make it clear Diana can fight, because that will be important later😙

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