5: The ball prt. 2

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(Diana's Pov)

I was dancing with my very handsome partner who I had just learned name was Arden.

I looked over at Edmund, wishing it was him I was dancing with. He was just so enchanting. I saw Susan and Lucy get up to talk to him.

They were talking about something, and I wanted to know what they were talking about so bad. I felt really nosy all the sudden.

Edmund looked at me and I couldn't bring myself to look away. I didn't want to look away.

I began to smile and that's when Arden took my hand and spun me by lifting it hand over my head. I laughed at this and he smiled down at me.

God I wish he was Edmund. I had only met him a couple of hours ago, but that was just it, I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to know everything about him. What he likes, dislikes, what his genuine laugh sounded like, his favorite color, everything.

When I looked back at Edmund, he wasn't there. Where did he go? I started to look around, and I couldn't find him; and I started to frown.

That was until I saw Arden turn around to face Edmund. "Could I steal her for a dance?" I heard him say, and as his king, Arden immediately obeyed and stepped aside. I smiled as Edmund looked down at me, grinning his face off. Just then, as if on cue, a slow song started playing. "I'm not a good dancer." I said, warning Edmund. "Your not the only one." He said and put his hands on my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck.

We swayed back and forth as I occasionally stepped on his foot. He didn't seem to mind that much, to by great relief. We both giggled every time it happened actually, and our moment was really nice. When the song ended and a faster song started up, our hands fell and he asked, "Do you want to go somewhere?"

I smiled and nodded. He smiled and grabbed my wrist, guiding me out of the swarm of people. Once we reached the halls of the beloved Cair Paravel, I finally asked, "Where are you taking me?" with enthusiasm. He shrugged and said "you'll see."

We jogged slightly, laughing. He led me to a spiral staircase, and allowed me to go first. I walked up, unknowing where I would end up. When I reached the end of the staircase, I smiled profusely. We where on the roof, but it was flat on the particular part the stairs led to, with a guard rail and small torches lighting up the area.

Edmund walked from behind me and sat down, motioning me to sit next to him. I did, and we layed down next to each other, looking at the stars they were beautiful. "Wow." I stated as Edmund looked at me. I pretended not to notice. "Yeah. Wow." He said still looking at me. I blushed and looked over at him too.

We talked for a long time while we star gazed. Mostly about random stuff, but I didn't mention anything about my family. I wasn't ready to talk about them yet. They really messed me up. I've always had eating problems because of my mother, and for the most part, they were never there.

But I did now know his favorite color. And he knew mine.

Words: 597
This was short but yay another chapter! I'm so excited to have them bond and do cheesy stuff together🤭

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