6: Day 2 in Narnia

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Diana opened her eyes to reveal the ceiling of her room in Narnia, but she did not remember right away where she was. She looked around and began to remember the events the past day entailed. She read a book, then poof; she magically transported to the land of Narnia. Part of her thought it was all a wacko dream, but the rest of her was unwilling to believe her own suspicions.

She smiled as she thought about the ball, Edmund and her, and- wait, speaking of, how did she get in her room? She didn't remember. The last thing she remembered was looking into the night sky, on the roof, with Edmund. Oh well. She thought.

She got up, not knowing what time it was. She had a couple windows in her room, but the curtains were closed. Some light shone through the red fabrics, but not much. She opened her wardrobe, to reveal many dresses and shoes before her. She closed her eyes to randomly select one, there were too many good options, and her favorite one(the red dress she wore yesterday) was currently dirty. Her finger grazed the dresses, and then stopped in front of a random one. She grabbed it then quickly dressed herself.

She walked over to one of the windows, to split the curtains apart

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She walked over to one of the windows, to split the curtains apart. The light from the fresh new day streamed in all at once as she squinted, not yet adjusted to the light.

She saw a small balcony attached to the (new to her knowledge) sliding glass door. She smiled as the opened the door and stepped onto the area, breathing in the sweet air of Narnia and looking into the green distance.

Everything was so peaceful, until she heard a loud grunt from below her. She stepped to the edge and grasped the railing of the balcony, for her safety. She saw an square tiled area on the ground below her little balcony.

On the square was Edmund and some stranger (whom she guessed was a guard) sparring. "He never stops practicing huh?" Diana thought as she watched Edmund and the guard begin to almost dance with the swords as an extension of themselves. Them sparring was truly mesmerizing, or maybe Diana just thought that because of a certain king.

She watched as Edmund finally put an end to the match by knocking the opponents sword out of his hand and pointing his own at their throat. Diana grinned and stepped away from the edge, walking back into her room. She then found a hair brush, and a piece of white ribbon. She decided to put her hair half up half down with the ribbon.

Once she was satisfied with herself after looking in the mirror, she walked out of her room and tried to navigate herself to Aslan knows where

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Once she was satisfied with herself after looking in the mirror, she walked out of her room and tried to navigate herself to Aslan knows where.

She found herself in front of Lucy's room and knocked on the door. Thankfully, Lucy was there and she opened the door to see Diana.

"Hey Lucy." Diana's voice was a little raspy, seeing as she woke up not too long ago.

"Hey Diana! Did you just wake up? You still have morning voice." Lucy mentioned Diana in.

"Yeah. What time is it by the way? I don't have a clock or anything in my room."

"It's 10:30."
"No way! I never sleep that long!" It was true. Diana had never had such a great sleep before.
"You were switching from earths time to Narnia's, so it's kind of like jet-lag."
"Huh. Cool!"

Diana wasn't in the mood for breakfast, or at least that's what she told Lucy. She always felt uncomfortable eating in front of other people; her mothers doing of course.

Edmund was still training in the courtyard. Diana found herself watching him along with Lucy.
"He takes training really seriously huh?"
"Yeah. He is the best swordsmen in Narnia." Lucy said casually as she bit into an apple.
"Wait what?"
"Yeah. I forgot to tell you?"
"Hm." She shrugged and continued to bite into her apple as Diana stared at the fighting boy in awe.
It would be really cool to be able to fight with a sword, although she took fencing lessons back home. She was very good at fencing, and she guessed there must be some sort of similarity.

"Can I try?"
"I don't know, Diana. It's dangerous-"
"I'll be fine. Plus, Edmund will probably go easy on me."
"Hah! Edmund, going easy? Your funny Diana."
"Hey! I'm a likable person."
"Maybe dueling with Peter is a better idea."
"No. I've got my mind set on Edmund."
"Okay. But I'm warning you. You might get hurt."
Diana nodded and walked up to Edmund.

"Edmund!" He was in the middle of a duel, and he stopped abruptly at the sound of Diana's voice, causing him to lose. He looked at the sword threatening his neck, then at Diana annoyed.

"What's up?" He stepped back from the sword and dropped his to the ground, before turning all of his attention to Diana.
"Wanna duel?"
Edmund raised his eyebrows and smirked deviously.
"Your on."

Words: 887

This was a short but cutesie chapter. Also, I've been reading more than writing so sorry for the slow updates. Even though I'm pretty sure no one really cares about this book lol. 😚

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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