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TW; Child Abuse

I'm watching my favourite cartoon.

The show was so lively, and I wanna live in there as well.

The characters are colourful and funny, too. I wonder why I never see the parents in there. It's kind of dangerous without th-

"Don't sit so close to the TV it'll make you cruel." Mother speaks with a cold tone after getting home from work.

You follow your mom's order and sit on the couch rather on a floor.

Father will come home late as usual.

The nights grew darker and colder than yesterday.

"Are you done with your homework?"


The silent are tense.

"Yesterday, didn't you say that tomorrow would be your quiz?"

" Mhm..."

When it comes to quizzes, Mother wasn't happy if I got low scores or half. She wants a perfect score.

My hands tremble as I get my quiz, I quickly give it to my mother. My head hangs low.

She examines quietly.

Afterwards, she crumpled it and threw at me.

"Why? Why didn't you get a perfect score? It can't be that hard, right?" Her last sentences give me a bad feeling.

She harshly grabbed my hair and shouted at my face. Mother doesn't care if I cry. She wants what is 'best' for me.

Soon, Father came home in the worst situation. He doesn't seem shocked about this, nor did he care to help me. He goes upstairs, not daring to look at what's happening since he sees this every day in our daily lives.

Mother slaps me in the face and punches me in the head.

My head feels dizzy after receiving the punch.

The only thing I heard was: "I wish you were much more better than this."

My vision went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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