||A Litttl Game huh? What happens when i find you?/HORAY FOR DEC||

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A/n: I didn't go to school on Friday, because I was up at 4am, which isn't normal, so, I have no idea if I'm suspended or not.... OH WELL YOULL NEVER GET RID OF ME HAHAHAHAHHAAHA! Oh and sorry I got a bit side track while I was writing this because apparently there was a gun shot that I didn't hear Cuz headphones so sorry it gets a bit creepy..

Song- Hide and Seek- English

Jordan's POV

I screamed as Tom was literally next to me. CRAP CRAP SHITTING CRAP! (..) Fathers voice came into my head. "Watch your mouth, Please Jordan. A true gentleman and a good king doesn't use language like that" Jeez, I guess I should remember what father says more often.. Okay dad, I'll try.... C-.... ERRRR UUHHHH CAN THAT PROMISE START LATER?! HES LITERALLY ON MY ASS! "literally eh?" WISDOM THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOUR JOKES! SO SORRY FATHER BUT ILL LISTEN TO YOU LATER!

I ran down the halls, suddenly taking a sharp turn, hearing a crash behind me. If you don't turn right, then you'll just crash into a wall. And that's exactly what Tom did. Haha, sucker! (You're dayum right he's a "sucker") Pushing open the huge doors that lead to the other halls, I sped up, making for sure he didn't catch up anytime soon. I ran into the closest unlocked and not important looking door. Jeez.... Trying to catch my breath and holding it at the same time isn't easy... he can't find me.. I noticed that I was in Asher's room, and it's dark, and I'm horrified of the dark. Slowly looking up, I saw a closet. While getting up carefully and quietly, I opened it and rushed in. DAMN IT ITS STILL DARK! "You really are human... huh..." Well duh. what's that suppose to mean?!

"You can't cut off emotions like him..." intuition answered. What the hell are you talking about?! "He hasn't noticed" Wisdom hissed and Intuition. I haven't noticed what?! Why do you keep secrets from me?! You're in my own flippin mind and I can't know what you're thinking?! Do you guys even think?! That's a good question actually.... "You haven't noticed that he warmed up to you?! The first time you met him, you couldn't ask him a question without being smited by his glare! He cut off his emotions that day because he didn't trust you!" Intuition said as if he was telling someone in high school that someone has a crush on them and didn't notice. Suuuuure! You guys love to mess with people so-

"Where are you Jordan~? I'll find you~"
(Holly bloody raining twats!)

My heart stopped for a moment, before it speeding up. I'm stuck in Asher's dark ass room...in his dark ass closet.. all alone... holding something that's precious to someone else. How did I get in this problem? Oh ya, me being the stupid idiotic curious teen I am and STEALING A DAMN BOOK! I'm so smart I swear..

(Tom) "Knock Knock
I am at your door now
I am coming in
No need for me to ask permission"

SHITTING CRAP HES AT THE DOOR HES AT THE DOOR SHIT SHIT SHIT!! Wait, did he just say knock knock? He didn't knock? And why the hell did he say that?! That's what little kids do- JORSAN THIS IS NOT THE TIME! YOURE HIDING FROM SOMEONE! I KNOW THAT BUT STILL- wait am i arguing with myself!! I want to run. Run for the hills and find Nanners and Max so they can protect me from this Prince psycho.

(Tom) "Knock Knock
I'm inside your room, now
Where is it you've hid?
Our game of hide and seek's about to end"

ITS NOT A GAME! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ?!SHITTING CRAP HES THE FLIPPING 4TH PRINCE! OF COURSE HES A PSYCHOTIC PSYCHO! I turned around slightly and there was Asher's white coats and pants, the same he wore every day. He must've had like 9 of these outfits because all i could see was white in the dark. There was a picture of his sister and Rachel on the wall, just a small one. It was a nice picture too... A notebook was at my fingertips, since I was on the ground, and I assumed it was a journal. I slowly and carefully got up just a little so I could see through the slits of Asher's closet door.

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