Episode 2: The World Of Eltar Rangers

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The Gear X Rangers travelled to the world of the Eltar Rangers to meet the Rangers and save there world.

Once they got there, The 4 Geardroids disguise themselves as human beings and each of them has a codename. They were looking around til they found a man reading a Comic book that was called Power Rangers, and he was wearing some sort of alienish clothes and the man was revealed to be none other than Zordon himself, and explains that after his was destroyed, he was born again by a new family, but he still remembers his name and everything.

Zordon takes them to a new base and asking questions as to why they are here. Red explains the situation, Zordon decides to help him and the US Government and he gives him communicators. The alarm went off and a monster has appeared.

They rushed to the scene and transforms themselves into Power Rangers.

Drake: Power Gears! Load in! Fire!!
Drake: Number 45!! Gear X Legend Ranger!!
Rex: Number 16!! Gear X Dino Ranger!!
Wild: Number 25!! Gear X Beast Ranger!!
Mystic: Number 29!! Gear X Magical Ranger!
Drivemax: Number 30!! Gear X Engine Rangers!!
All: Unleash The Gears!!

The rangers fought against the Puncher World Monster and his minions. Rex puts on the Eltar Gear and it begins to power him to attack the minions. They decided to finish him with the Gear X Strike! Puncher World was defeated.

World King: Repair beam!!!
One of the minions activated the beam on the monster, making Puncher World growing bigger. Governor John contacts Drake and the others that the 4 Geardroids can make themselves as giants but Drake can make them into Megazords only when there big.

So the 4 Geardroids makes themselves huge and fights Puncher World. Drake decides to make them into Megazords

Announcer: Zords combine!!! Gear X Megazord Dino-Beast formation!! Gear X Megazord Magical-Engine formation!!

Drake gets inside in one of the Megazords and later learned that they control themselves as will, so they fought together as one. They finished Puncher World with a big blow.

Drake and the rest says farewell to Zordon and thanking them for giving them the communicators and they were going to next world of Power Rangers

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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