Chapter 17 - Tony Missing ?

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One of the great things about being the Boss ? No one telling you that you have to put in overtime. For the most part the business runs itself with Jarvis and Pepper still doing the odd part here and there. I still can't believe Morgan, Tony and Pepper's daughter, she proofreads my reports and points out where I misspelled words or didn't add a column correctly. Guess that apple didn't fall far from the tree, while Pepper doesn't admit it, she is quite smart in her own right.

Wanda and I have enjoyed our time living on the water and just sailing wherever we want. April, the android that Tony built, still has fun now and then when she catches Wanda trying to play a video game before the morning chores are finished. I won't go into the punishments that are doled out at Wanda's expense. The last time she was punished, she had a hard time sitting for a week.

"There is a phone call from Mrs. Stark." Friday announced.

"Patch it through to this line, please." I called out and set aside the paper I was looking through.

"Hello Pepper, how is everything ?" I asked curiously.

"You and Wanda need to return right away. Tony is missing, he boarded an alien spaceship trying to aid a hero called Dr. Strange. And no one can reach him." Pepper said quickly.

"Wait I thought he upgraded the comm units so you could reach just about anywhere in the galaxy ?" I asked her.

"He did, the conclusion is that he is no longer in this particular Galaxy." Pepper said, she sounded like she was losing it.

"Okay, the boat is turning around now. How is Morgan doing ?" I asked her.

"She's fine, staying with my parents for now while I try and find her father." Pepper answered.

"Call if you hear anything more, and Pepper, try and remember something ?" I asked.

"What's that ?" she asked.

"Tony has a habit of finding the dumbest predicaments and yet he always comes back home." I said and she laughed slightly.

"Hurry please." she whispered. When the call ended I walked to the gym and found Wanda getting her punishment.

"I'm going to take the chopper back to New York. You two and Friday will get this ship to port and tied off before joining me at the Towers." I explained to them both.

"Okay, see you soon love." Wanda called out between loud moans. I grabbed a small bag and boarded the chopper, it was a Helicopter that was flown by Friday, so all I had to do was sit back and enjoy the ride. As it was roughly noon, I went ahead and took a nap. Once I landed and got myself settled down in my apartment, there was a knock at the door.

"Hi Pepper, anything new ?" I asked upon seeing her. Her eyes were red and puffy from the crying she had done, and I led her inside and to the couch.

"No, I have no idea how he is doing or anything." Pepper admitted and she leaned against me while she cried a bit more. I just held her to my side and reminding her that it's Tony. He gets beaten pretty good at times, but he always comes back. She nodded slowly and looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you for reminding me, sometimes I forget that and my head leaps into a worst-case scenario." Pepper said quietly. After picking up my phone, I sent Wanda a text telling her of my plans. She just sent one back saying it was fine. I picked up Pepper and she yelped a bit, then leaned against me while I walked to my room and set her on her feet.

"You need to rest and relax, you look as though you haven't slept in a week." I said to her and she laid down. I started to leave when she caught my wrist and I turned back to gaze at her.

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