Chapter 4 - Four Years Later

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"Raven, you need to tell your Mom that she has to pull out, her mission is scrubbed." Coulson told me over the teams communication system. I sighed out loud and I could hear my team mates snickering.

"Mom, Coulson says the mission has been scrubbed, we have to go in." I sent to her. She was currently being 'interrogated' by a group of Russian black market arms dealers. Only they were the ones doing all the talking and giving her all the information she wanted.

"Tell him I said to fuck off, only make it nicer." she sent back.

"She says to tell you, Thank you very kindly but No." I replied back to Coulson. now my team mates were really snickering, they knew my Mom way too well for such a kind remark.

"Yes, I am sure she said that, well tell her.." Coulson also knew my Mom way too well and before he could continue I interrupted.

"I am not doing this, you want her out, you tell her." I said quickly while trying to keep my voice down. Several of the guys were chuckling while trying not to alert the enemy units patrolling the area. I could hear Coulson grumbling something under his breath.

"Fine, just be ready to move." he said quietly. I could hear the guy next to me chuckling softly and I gave him a soft wrap to the shoulder and he smirked at me.

"Lets move to position, she's going to need extraction." I called in and everyone began to move to their new positions. I slipped into the shadows and moved with stealth through the old warehouse.

"Mom there are four more men just outside the door to where you are at now." I sent to her, she was still talking to Coulson on someone's cell phone.

"Take them out, just be careful." she sent back and I could feel her warmth in the sending. We also found out strong emotions could be felt as well through the bond we now shared from that bite. I used a small switch that sent out coded messages to my team to alert them where the guards were, their numbers and exact locations and to move when Nat moved.

Everyone remained still while waiting for my Mom to move, from my vantage on the rafters I could see my Mom and the men just outside the door of her room. The moment she set the phone down and started to move, I dropped from the rafters. Claws met flesh and bone as I moved through them with ease and precision. In moments they were down and the patrols outside the building were eliminated. Opening the door, I waved a white hanky up and down.

"Very funny, so you're a commedian now ?" she asked while smirking at me.

"I just need something to wear." I called back. I heard her sigh and move around before a long over coat was handed to me to cover my nudity. I had shifted to my cat form during the battle after I got shot twice.

"Going to have to bring extra sets of clothing with you while out in the field." Nat remarked as she noted the two bullet holes in my chest closing up. At the same time I noted the bullet holes in her arm and leg were closing up.

"At least you don't change when you get shot." I muttered sourly. She rolled her eyes and pulled me along as we evacuated the building. Coulson still had the jets level the building. It was full of munitions to be sold to the highest bidder.

On the plane I switched into sweat clothes, they were more comfortable. Then I stretched out on one of the hanging cots, it was going to be a long flight. After getting the okay to be trained, it was nearly a year and a half before both Fury and Mom felt I was ready to try an actual assignment. The first three assignments went by with out a hitch and Mom was never in any real danger.

It was during the forth that it went sideways. While on assignment, a slave trade ring decided Mom would make a good slave to sell to someone in the middle east. The moment she was rendered unconscious, I knew something wasn't right.

Avengers - She-CatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora