Chapter 8 - The Cat

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These days my only thoughts are kill and kill again. Anything that moves in my field of vision is an enemy and thus must be killed. I'm standing in a large circular cage, across the ring is a large man, his hands glow and they burn when they hit you. His arm and belly have several long cuts from where I have struck out at him. He charges at me and I dodge to the right, his own momentum drags his body across my outstretched claws making him scream. His swings out wildly and I feel my shoulder burn where he strikes and I roll forward to get away from him.

Outside the ring people scream and cheer at what they are watching. I roar loudly at them in anger and frustration. Then the man charges again, I run forward only to drop back and slide down between his legs, my claws do their worst damage yet as I slice the arteries in his groin along with his junk. He screams in a much higher pitch and I slice his throat to end him.

I can hear them saying things but these days my only understanding is survival. The gate opens and I walk through, one by one the gates open to lead me back to my cell. Once there I lay down and lick my wounds. Food drops from above and I devour the old meat down to the bone and even break the bones for the marrow within them. Finally I can sleep, they never make us fight more then once a day.


Flash Back -

"So how's the family doing ?" Jasper asks as I hang up the phone. We'd been staking out this Castle Ruin for six months now and so far no signs of life.

"They're fine, they just miss me and I miss them." I answer sadly, Wanda is taking this the hardest and I hate to say it, but so am I.

"Well that's odd." Jasper mutters and I moved to see what he has noticed.

"Sensor 22 has gone offline, probably bad battery. I'll go have a look and you can enjoy your breakfast." he offers and I nod in agreement. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and start eating while watching the monitors.

"Okay, looks like something knocked it on it's side, should be fi.." Jasper was saying and then stopped. I frowned and set the empty bowl aside.

"Jasper, come in." I called and checked the channels before calling again, "Base to Jasper, come in." I called again. Moving around I notice my vision getting hazy, and motor functions are slowly failing as I fall out of the chair. The door opens and several men wearing gas masks walk in and secure my arms and legs.

"We have the target, moving to landing zone." one of them says just before the darkness consumes me and my only thought is, Wanda, Carol.. this will be hard on them.


Loud banging on the cell doors wakes me from my dreams and I roar loudly at the offender. He jumps back quickly and I can smell his fear radiating off him in waves. He runs off and the gate opens, I start walking out and follow the trail they leave for me. They know not to be near the bars, too many have died for that mistake. I step into the ring and find another opponent waiting to live or die by my hands. So far none have lived.

They sound a buzzer and we both rush at each other. I speed past him and he stands and turns to look at me. I spin around slowly, there is a hush while they try to figure out what happened. The mans head slowly falls from his body and there is a loud cheering from the watchers. I roar loudly sounding off my victory. I have charged to ring bars before, but found out the hard way they are charged with electricity, enough to throw you to the opposite side of the ring.

The gates open and I head back down the trail to my home, I won so they will feed me so I can heal from any wounds I got and be healthy enough to fight again. This is my life...

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