There's Like Four Blondes Here

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Down sat the troubled student at her dorm, wiggling her pen in front of her chin as she stared confused at her sketch book, Sasha loudly chewing on a cream cheese topped bagel. She hummed, Connie looking up at her from his spot on the bean bag, tearing his eyes off the sports car on the magazine he read, "What's wrong? You've been staring at that sketch pad like that for ten minutes now. What gives?" The girl groaned annoyingly loud, flopping back on her own bean bag, "Connnnnn, I can't think of anythiiiinnng." His eye twitched, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth before tossing a pillow at her, "Stop that." Sasha swallowed the load of bagel she was chewing on, "Draw me! Or draw me eating a nice big pizza slice. Or just draw a pizza!" The girl smiled, sitting up to look over to her fit friend, "I think I'll just draw you, Tater Tot." Sasha grined at the nickname, "Aw, you think I'm that pretty?" The girl smiled, nodding her head slowly as she picked up the pillow besides her to hold it to her chest, "Course I do, dude. You and Connie. You guys are just beautiful people." Connie posed dramatically, flipping non-existent hair over his should, "Aren't I? I'm fucking stunning." The girls rolled there eyes, chuckling. Sasha took another bite of her bagel, chewing and talking, "Hey, Spider?" The girl hummed curiously, staring at her pal upon hearing her nickname. Truly only nicknamed that since for the longest time, the girl was merely a consistency in Sasha and Connie's (Connie more so since they were childhood besties) many classes together, simply called Spider Lily for the longest time due to her massive spider lily tattoo on her right arm.

"What's going on between you and uh... Professor Ackerman?"

The room went dead silent. The girl stared blankly at Sasha, jaw clenched. Connie stayed silent, also curious to know why the usual stoic teacher had seemed sweet on her. Or at least as sweet as one grumpy ass man could be. She inhaled through her nose behind making gruff noises, sighing, mouth staying shut. The two crossed their arms at her, Connie first to speak up, "Dude, you guys can both get in trouble for screwin' around. We love you too much to have our best friend kicked out of our classes." She stumbled over her words, glaring at the two, "Wha- I- you- fuck you guys! You think we're fucking!?" Sasha stared back at her, surprised, "Well... aren't you?" "No!" "Really?" Connie quirked a brow at her.

The girl crossed her arms under her chest, shaking her head, "No." Sasha hummed, pursing her lips before laying back, staring at the ceiling fan, "Huh... then why's he so nice to you?" The girl stayed silent, looking away to the window, "We're not fucking. It's nothing like that. Let's change the subject." Connie sighed, scooting closer to his friend, his hands clutching the bean bag to bring it with him till theirs touched, him dramatically plopping down onto his pal, hugging her and giving her puppy dog eyes, "Spiiiiiideerrrr!" He mimicked her tone from earlier, earning a little grin from her, "We didn't mean to upset youuu! Forgive uussss!" She snorted, rolling her eyes before lazily resting her hands over his biceps, "Yeah yeah yeah, it's fine." Sasha's phone made a little chime noise, catching the attention of the three in the room. Sasha giggled happily, snatching up her phone and kicking her legs as she read the text message quickly, "Guys, he said he's coming to the party tonight! And he's bringing me my own cake!" Spider and Connie rolled their eyes, the two separating to relax in their own bean bags.

"Your boyfriend finally messaged you back?" Connie smirked at her, the potato loving gal gasping loudly, feigned annoyance on her face, "He is not! He's just- we're just good frien- we're just cool like that!" Spider quirked a brow at her friend, "Dude." Sasha grinned wildly, staring down at her phone, biting her lip while she typed away. Connie hummed, "We lost her..." Spider hummed in agreement, Connie looking back at her, "Oh yeah, are you gonna come with us?" The girl hissed, humming and groaning, rolling her head back, "Uhh... I dunno."

"Dude, no! You gotta come! You need to get out of your room more, and you never come with us!" She looked over to Connie, making a face at him. He kicked her shoe, "Come with us this time!" "I do too go. I went last time." "Last time? You're referring to last year?" "Uh, yeah. Duh." "No. Come with us." Sasha peeked up, tossing her phone besides her. Niccolo must've stopped replying. "Yeah," she smiled at the two, "You should really come with us. I know Historia and Ymir really wanna get to be better friends with you. Historia thinks you're the shit." "I am the shit, fucker." "No you're not," Connie snorted, "I am." The two girls stared blankly at him, him pouting in response, "Fuck you two..." The girls giggled, the younger of the two humming, "Ok, fine. What time is it again?" Sasha and Connie said "Eight." in perfect unison, the two relaxing back in their bean bags. Connie groaned, stretching out his arms, "I'll pick you up. Sasha's getting picked up by her boy toy." Sasha glared at him at the name given to her little crush. The girl nodded, glancing over the the hallway of her apartment, "Hmm... stay, Con? I want help when I change." Sasha went back to her phone, smiling wide again.

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