Red Flag, Or Is It Yellow?

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The girl groaned loudly, flopping onto her bed as she turned to the brunette, "But I have artist block! I can't think of anything, Eren." He shrugged, moving to lay beside her, grabbing one of her hands to play with her fingers, "Um... Barbie?" She smiled, watching how his eyes locked onto her hands, taking in every detail. For seven months now, they've done everything together. For seven months, they ate together for every meal. They slept together in each other's beds, curled up against each other, nice and cozy in blankets. They watched stupid movies and intense movies, they went to the closet mall in the city (granted there was only two malls). They went to every park they could find, swung on every swing at every playground, star watched every night sky. He never left her side. Much like Zeke's eyes never seemed to leave them any time he came to town. She still didn't know how exactly he was slipping in and out with the border patrol being as intense as it was. She suspected he had some friends inside, some people he may have convinced, or rather brainwashed, into joining his little cult.

She was still unsure of how to feel about Eren being where he was with his brother. The very few times Eren had left her side was when Zeke came. When Zeke and Eren spoke so hushed in Eren's backyard. She always sat in their living room when he came, her eyes never leaving them, exactly the same as Mikasa and Armin. One of the few times she would actually be around Mikasa for a while. And yet, every single time she'd glance back at Mikasa, she could see that longing for Eren still in her eyes. She was still not fond of them being around each other, mostly in part because she would see Eren look back at her with a flash of what she looked at him, returning to her. Like his eyes spoke for a moment and said I miss you too. But she couldn't ask him to completely ignore her, she couldn't ask him to shun her. They had a very long history together, one she knew she could never compete with.

The girl chewed on his lower lip, Eren's eyes wandering up her arm to her face, "What's wrong? You have that look in your eyes again." She huffed, pulling her hand away from him, "What look?" He turned, directly facing her now, "That look you get when you're thinking of shit that hurts you. What's going on in that pretty little head?" She wanted to tell him, tell him how much she hated when Mikasa and Eren were around each other. She hated how they'd make occasional glances to each other, how Eren was always the first to break the contact. She hated seeing his jaw clench when Mikasa spoke, when she laughed, when she started to look at Jean the same way she still looked to Eren.

She looked away from those piercing green eyes, feeling like they were staring into a window with sheer curtains. She swallowed, "Nothin'. Barbie's a good idea, thank you." He reached down, grabbing her hand again, "Talk to me." She shook her head again, now looking down at their hands, "Forget it, Eren. I think I just... stressed." "About the project," he'd asked, glancing over to her sketchbook. She hums, nodding her head. He sighs, getting up off the bed to stretch, "Want a snack? Been a while since we ate." She scoffed, "Wha- we just ate?" He smiled, "Yeah, like two hours ago. I want another burger, though." She shook her head, sitting herself up on his nice, plush bed, "I'm not hungry yet, go ahead. I'll just wait for you, I really need to start something for this dumbass project." Eren nods, slipping on his shoes after kissing her on the forehead, "Want me to at least bring you back some fries?" She shrugged, reaching over to grab her sketch pad, "Uh... I dunno. Maybe something sweet?"

Eren knew exactly what that meant. He nods before grabbing his keys, her already going to start sketching something in her book. There were quiet a few fast food chains nearby the school, some of the students even working there. Not for paying for college, for sure not. The college was completely funded by their little government. She suspected it was mostly just for party money, probably even drugs and alcohol for some of the students. Or even for those few students who had very little classes and mostly had free time or wanted to get ahead with saving money for their own places. She knew that's what Historia and Ymir were doing, although one of them worked at an auto shop and other at a boutique known to be incredibly progressive with most politicians attending. Speaking of, her and Historia had gotten extremely close. Same as her and Armin. Both almost as close as she and Connie remained. Armin was a sweet guy, so very intelligent and kind hearted. She really respected him. And really appreciated him. She also appreciated how he never talked about Mikasa, never would bring her up when it was just them. Eren did the same. Never brought her up.

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