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Mikasa stood seething at the hallway opening, Eren with his girl wrapped in his arm, and the other almost stiff at his side, Armin with wide eyes and hands balled in fists, while an all too calm, bearded blonde man stood next to the living room tv. His voice was as she'd expected it to sound, not quite deep but not quite high. "Eren," he reminded her of a cat, playing with his food. Maybe nit as sly as a cat, but smart and coy like one, "You haven't been answering my calls. Got a new obsession?" His blue eyes flickered to the girl wrapped protectively around his arm. Mikasa took a step forward, "Why are you here?" Armin called out her name in a hushed tone, her glancing to him and taking her step back against the door frame of the hallway. Zeke casted a lazy glance to the raven haired woman, eyes going back to focusing in on the girl with the bright red tattoo, "Can I not come check in on my sweet little brother?"

Armin cleared his throat, "Zeke, you know what we mean. Why are you here? If Eren didn't text you back, he's busy. We are in college, we have studies. You shouldn't be coming here." Zeke smiled a sly, soft smile, "Is that how you really feel Armin?" "Sure is," Armin scoffed. Zeke sighed, glancing over the girl in Eren's arm, "You know, Miss... what was your name?" The room fell silent, Eren speaking up after a moment, "Leave. We will talk outside. Leave her alone." "No," Zeke stuffed his hands into his pockets, "I want to speak to her." He nodded to the girl, eyes never leaving her. Eren tightened his grip around his girlfriend, snorting, "I don't give a fuck about what you want. Don't talk to her, don't speak to her, don't even think about her. Got it?" Zeke smiled a little, "Eren, wow. So hostile. Why? It's just me." "That's why." Mikasa took a step forward, "Zeke, please leave." Armin did the same, Eren pulling his little flower girl behind him, his hand never leaving the touch of her skin, needing to in some way feel the comfort of her flesh. Zeke crossed his arms under his chest, "No, now I don't think I will. I said I'd like to speak to the girl. Eren, you may be behind these glass doors, but closed. You may spectate and we will at least be just in your backyard. How's that?" Armin hummed, "One of us needs to be there too, then. Maybe not Eren, but maybe me or Mi-" "No," Zeke spoke firmly. A voice that commanded, a voice that said his words were final, like it was final to the world and that the world needed to bend around him. "Just me and her." Eren gritted his teeth, "Fine."

"Eren!" Armin shouted out, shooting his best friend a look of absolute shock and bafflement. Eren never let his eyes leave Zeke. Zeke smiled, walking over to the young couple, holding out his hand to the girl. She looked to Eren, his hand wavering around her wrist. He huffed, glancing over to his girl, "It's ok, baby. Go ahead." She gives a single nod, taking Zeke's hand, him immediately leading her out and nearly slamming the glass doors shut behind him. He leads her to the gazebo, giving her hand a little squeeze, "So, miss, what's your name?" She answers only her first name, giving him an awkward smile. He hummed, sitting down on the couch, his hand pulling her down next to him. She looked over to the window, seeing Eren standing with his hand on the handle and the other balled in a fist. Mikasa stood next to him with Armin behind the both of them, the two speaking, from what it looked like, rather frantically.

Zeke still held her hand, her looking down in annoyance at his hand that held her's firmly in place, "Now now, that won't do. Full name."


"Why? Why why why why, she asks. Why? Why not?"

She looked him over, pausing, trying to pull her hand from his, his grip tightened instead, "You don't look like you're related to Eren."

"Different mother's. We're half brothers."

"I see. Why are you here, then? It sounded like it's very unheard of for you to be visiting."

"Well, I do live far, my dear."

She stares at him, "May I have my hand back please?"

"No. Now, tell me about yourself."

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