"I-? what no its free"

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Tommy pov:

I wake up to my alarm I quickly turned it off and started getting ready for work as I did the memories from yesterday come back 'God why did I heal a vigilante of all people? ' I thought to myself. I started walking to work thinking about what would've happened if I just left the vigilante there probably nothing good. I walked in the cafe and saw Aimsey "Hello Tommy! Why are you here so early your shift doesn't start for another few hours?" Aimsey said while looking confused I looked at the time 'shit it was way to early I guess I was just to busy thinking about what happened yesterday to think about the time' I thought "I- Uh wanted to start early? I wanted try to get here early guess I got here a little to early" I said I chuckled a bit Aimsey nodded "You can take over right? I kinda needed to go somewhere anyway! You won't mind starting your shift early right? " Aimsey said "sure it seems important wherever your going I'll just start my shift early no worries" I said while smiling "Thanks Tommy I owe you! " Aimsey said while leaving.

'how hard could this be? Aimsey is always tired after her shift she's probably just over exaggerating! ' I thought to myself.


'WHY IS THIS SO HARD?' I thought.

I was so tired but then I realized my shift doesn't end until 10pm it's only 7pm. I groaned when I did a short person with brunette hair, hazel eyes, and a green shirt walked in with a person next to them. the person next to them was tall, had black and white hair, and was wearing a black shirt with striped sleeves. They both walked toward the counter looking at the menu. it was pretty late and people barely come at this time I was tired of waiting for them to order and mumbled "can you fucking hurrying up you both are wasting my time" I thought I said it quietly but I heard a giggle from the short brunette while the tall black and white haired guy chuckled "Im sorry I didn't think you would hear me" I quickly apologized the tall boy replied "there no need to apologize what you said was quite funny, it's our first time being here so we don't know the things here." I looked at him and smile after that we started talking they both ordered something. It was finally time to close up the cafe.

I told them to leave nicely (I told them to get the fuck out)

I started cleaning the back when I heard someone enter I looked to see who it was. it was Apollo one of the top 3 villains. I was shocked not that there was a villain in the cafe the fact that the villain was bleeding out on the floor.


I made eye contact with the villain it didn't last long before the villain passed out. I went towards the villain and tried to drag him keyword tried I couldn't get him in the back so I just put him in one of the chairs in the cafe. I looked to see where the villain was bleeding the villain was bleeding in the middle of his stomach I was able to stop the bleeding a bit but not fully. I took a deep breath and started healing his stomach wound when I finally finished I went to go get some water because I was a bit dizzy from healing the villain. I quickly went to go get some water and came back only to see the villain slowly waking up. I stood there not knowing what to do it was silent until the villain finally said something "What did you do? Did you take off my mask? Did you call the cops? " The villain ran up to me and grabbed my wrist very tightly "I didn't do anything- well maybe I did do something but I didn't take your mask or call the cops! " I said when I did the villains grip tightened "Well then what the fuck did you do? Your obviously lying and I will figure out if your lying" the villain said sternly "All I did was heal you! Now can you let me fucking go? " I said. I looked at the villain the villain obviously thought I was still lying so they used there power. I forgot Apollo had the power to force someone to tell the truth thank god I wasn't lying though "I said what did you do? " Apollo said using his power "I thought I already fucking told you?! I fucking healed you!! " I said while looking directly at the villain. the villain seemed shocked but I couldn't tell because of his mask he let go of my wrist there was definitely a mark there "well then what do you want?" The villain said

"I-? what no it's free " I said while looking at the villain

"You healed me for a reason what do you want? " the villain said

"I don't want anything I only healed you because I didn't want blood on the floors or to be questioned by heros or cops" I said truthfully the villain looked confused and said "Well- uh bye then? " I looked at the villain and say "yeah bye" the villain was about to leave before saying "I'll see you again" Then the villain left I didn't know what he meant was he going to kill me? Was he going to torture me? I thought. I quickly cleaned up the blood and cleaned the rest of the cafe I walked back to my apartment feeling like someone was watching me probably just paranoid I thought to myself. I made it to my apartment and locked the door and went to my bed to sleep finally processing what happened today.

I healed a villain I'm so fucking dumb

I went to sleep fast because of how tired I was of healing that villain.

"don't you know healing villains have consequences? You should know that  Theseus. "






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