Part 1

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Syrille was standing over the injured form of Gil-Galad and bodies of other Elves in their own hall in Lindon with her eyes that had turned red from fury while fire was crackling from her hands. Her silver hair were a mess and her Mithril swords were bloodied like her tunic, breeches and boots.

Galadriel looked at her in horror. She was horrified at what her daughter had become and had no one to blame but herself. When she found out Halbrand was Sauron, Galadriel had abandoned her after delivering her. She couldn't reconcile with the fact that she loved and laid with the same man who had killed her brother. After the fall of Numenor and her reunion with Celeborn and the birth of Celebrian 5 years later, she had thought that she could recover from what she did but the thought of her lost daughter always haunted her and the urge to get her back was even more stronger, but the fear of what the others that have a grudge with Sauron would do.... that stopped her.

Gil-Galad knew about her secret and had been attempting to locate the child for years, only to come across an old Dwarven couple who refused to tell them where their adopted Elven daughter was and were killed fighting as they took down 50 of Gil-Galad's best soldiers.

When Galadriel found out, she was horrified and confronted him, only to be ignored and insulted. The Elven legion of their High King Gil-Galad were arrogant and boastful of what they did.... what they didn't expect was for a bright light to appear in the hall and be cut down without mercy by a rageful Half- Elven girl with a Mithril spear and 2 Mithril swords on her back.

As a half Maiar, daughter of the Dark Lord Sauron and Galadriel, she was very powerful and with Aulë's training, had mastered her powers at the age of 19. She was enraged to find her parents bodies when she returned home and teleported to the hall where their killers were feasting. Terrible was her rage and terrible was the scene for Galadriel when she arrived in the hall fully armed, followed by a young Celebrian.

They saw the fresh corpses made of the Elven soldiers, mutilated and unrecognizable.

Gil-Galad was terrified and in agony as he had a spear buried through his right arm into the floor.

" p-p-please - AAAAARRGGHHH " his other arm broke by the leg that stomped on it.

" daughter, stop ! " Galadriel pleaded.

The girl stopped her torture to look at the woman and even Celebrian looked at her mother in shock, lost for words.

" The only woman who has the right to call me that is my ma Iera..... You are a demoness who floated me away in a river " the girl said coldly, not looking at her as she turned back to her parents' murderer.

" Finra, I am so sorry - "

" My name is Syrille "

She slashed at Gil-Galad's left eye as he let out a wail of agony.

" You will live.... You will live your remaining days in shame knowing that I, the daughter of evil Dark Lord, an adopted child of Dwarves brought you, the high King of Elves low to his knees, begging for his life " she spat at the King and teleported in a ring of fire after withdrawing her weapons.


It had been 3 months since she held the funeral for her parents in Dwarven custom and their family and friends attended.

Her father Azbar was a respected and kind Dwarven smith and well liked, so kind that he took in a Half-Elven baby as his daughter even when his wife had 3 sons.

Syrille was too ashamed to face her brothers and didn't want them troubled by Elves due to her presence alone and tearfully left them a letter, apologizing for her role in their parents' death.

She had nothing left for her in this world and chanted the long spell, taught to her by her mentor that would open a gateway to another world and stepped into it.


Ned Stark had maintained a cold facade on the outside but was very excited to see his family after all these years, fostering in the Eyrie.

However, all his excitement died and was replaced with agitation when he arrived at The Twins and there was no guard posted at the gate.

After some time, the gate finally opened and what he saw shocked him.

He saw a very beautiful woman with silver hair step outside while being bloodied and Walder Frey's head in one hand while having a spear in another.

" Can you tell me where the fuck did I just arrive ? " she asked him.

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