Part 5

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2 months had passed since Moat Cailin started going through a reconstruction.... and it worked wonders.

The Giants' help was a massive game changer as their stamina, strength and size reduced the time it would take to complete the keep

In just 2 months, 20 towers of Moat Cailin had been restored and half the keep was repaired.

Ned and Syrille worked day and night, whether it was in the construction or farming the lands, and inspired everyone around them, earning admiration and respect.

However, everyone also noted that the 2 fools also kept looking at each other with a lover's look and were irritated with their sometimes awkward conversations and hesitation in confessing feelings.

They had even met Jaime and Tyrion Lannister, along with the Lannister guards who were passing through the Neck to go to Winterfell, guided by Howland Reed personally.

The Lannister party was shocked at the presence of Giants and Wildlings, until Ned met them in person and explained the whole thing.

Tyrion had a blast playing with the Giants. His constant request to ride the Giants' backs like they were horses, amused Jaime as the Dwarf Lannister proclaimed " I will be the biggest Dwarf in the world ".

" You will be a squashed Dwarf if you fall and they step on you " Syrille bluntly said and Tyrion was horrified.

" Syrille ! " Ned admonished and then turned to Tyrion, gently speaking " don't mind her, young one. She has a foul mouth and even fouler sense of humor. Wun-Wun doesn't stomp on people ".

" I heard Giants ate people " a Lannister soldier commenting.

" Some giants are perfectly vegetarian, I assure you of that " Ned said

" So do they ingest tree leaves to survive, I doubt there are fruits beyond-the-wall " Tyrion raised an eyebrow.

" mystery of the world " Ned shrugged.

As he picked up Tyrion and placed him on a kneeling Wun-Wun's shoulder as he stood up abruptly and Tyrion yelped as he shook, holding on.

" Hold on, Tyrion ! " a panicking Jaime called out, staying close to catch him if he fell.

" Yaaaayyy " Tyrion squealed as Wun-Wun walked, holding onto his neck.

As he walked some distance, Syrille commented " he's one cheerful kid ..... smart too ".

Jaime said to Ned and Syrille " I have never seen him laugh this much before, thank you ".

" You talk as if his life's hell " Syrille commented.

Jaime looked disturbed " our father and sister..... they blame his birth for our mother's death, Cersei hates him to the core while he's not spared from insults ".

Ned looked at Tyrion in sympathy while Syrille scowled " By Aule, the nerve of some people ".

" who's Aule ? " Jaime asked.

" Aule, also known as Eru Iluvitar, is the great leader of a pantheon of Gods I worship. He is the creator of the universe "

" A universe ? " Jaime looked confused.

" Yeah, outside this world is a great dark vacuum of area called space where there is no air and stars are the only lights and there are worlds beyond this one with many life forms " Syrille explained.

" The Septons will have a heart attack if they ever hear of this " Jaime smirked and Syrille laughed, while Ned looked anxious.


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