Part 2

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" Still not gonna talk ? " Syrille asked as she cooked a deer over a campfire.

17 year old Ned was bound in chains, silent after he tried to attack her for murdering all the Male Freys and embarrassingly lost .... as if to rub salt on his wounds, it was a woman who did the deed. Ned didn't have anything against woman fighting , contrary to what he was taught at the Vale, but he thought of Robert who won't let him hear the end of it and laugh.

" your friend won't think any less of you, I assure you of that "

Ned snapped his head up at her " what ?!! ".

" relax, I only read your mind " she said.

" WHAT ?!!. HOW ?!!. WHY ?!!! " Ned was alarmed.

" you didn't talk " she commented.

Ned wasn't satisfied with her explanations but he had more questions.

" Why did you kill the Freys ?! " Ned demanded.

" Those weasel faced shits attacked me after I landed here " she said, not looking at him and paying attention to the dinner.

" yet you bound only me " Ned commented.

" I sensed no bad intentions from you " she shrugged.

" wait, you said 'landed'. There is no port on - " Ned was cut off by the silver haired woman suddenly lifting her palm and a spark from the fire coming into her palm and turning into flame.

" Wh-what sorcery is this ?!! " Ned was shocked.

" simple fire magic trick " she then looked at him " now it's my turn to ask questions. Where am I ? ".

Ned wisely decided to answer her questions. He explained the history of Westeros and his own identity.

" so these Andals are genocidal maniacal pieces of filth " she was disgusted " if there is a race I despise more than Elves, they are humans. They ruin nature and destroy everything, killing anything that doesn't look like them. You First Men are everything that they should have been ".

" not all are the same. Some are honorable - "

" Honor is the way of fools and weaklings. Honor doesn't help a man fill his family's stomach, taking an action to do it does. Honor doesn't free, it only traps you " Syrille sneered " your father is a fool to make relations with them and risk everything by playing this perverse game ".

" You have no right to judge my father, you bloody foreigner ! " Ned growled at her and was shocked at what he said " I- I'm sorry for what I said. I have never acted like - ".

" What do you know of your people's way ?... anything that hasn't been shoved into your head by a man of foreign religion who has never even visited your home " she asked instead.

Ned wanted to answer but he had none.... doubt engulfed his thoughts and he wondered how much he had yet to learn but he had questions of his own " who are you ?, how can you do magic ? ".

" My name is Syrille " she snapped her fingers and the ropes on Ned broke apart, allowing him free hand movement while she then cut the deer into pieces as she spoke " it's a long story, I'll explain it in short while we eat ".

Syrille told him about The Gods of her dimension, Middle Earth, and the other races that inhabit her world while she explained him her world's history and then finally about the truth of her parents. She even created images to show him and he was amazed.

" You are a Divine being ? ... " Ned looked at her in awe.

" Something like that " Syrille said while taking a bite out of her Deer " the first of my kind in many millennia ".

" and your mother abandoned you ? " Ned's eyes darkened at that. He did not care if the girl in front of him not legitimate, she was a living being. The North did not abandon children to die in the wild.

" yeah. She fucks the enemy while he is in disguise and wants to get away, but decides to call him an asshole when she finds out the truth even when he was hinting at it the entire time, and when I am born, she blames me, and then throws my ass out in the woods. I survived for years before my Dwarven parents found me ".

Ned was silent for a moment before he spoke " would you like to come with me to Winterfell ?. I can lie that you are a Noble lady from Lys ".

Syrille guffawed " calling me noble is like calling a Jackal warm and fuzzy, and calling me Lady.... well, I have no joke on that but it's still funny ! ".

It was rare for the normally stoic Ned Stark but a laugh escaped his lips for a moment before he morphed back into his usual expression.

" nah, I think I should tour this country first " Syrille declared " I will start with the South first and then I will return North " .

" I will wait for you " Ned smiled and for some reason, Syrille started blushing at what he said.

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