Part 3

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Syrille was incredibly bored.

She had been traveling around the goddamn 6 Kingdoms for 2 months and she was barely able to contain her frustration.

Most of this continent was a shithole steeped in casteism and fanaticism. The Faith of the fucking Seven, as she liked to call it might have been the worst kind of religion she had ever seen, as it discriminated towards children born out of Wedlock, calling them 'Bastard'. Such a term did not exist in Middle Earth and children like that back home were treated normally as any other child would.

And then there was the discrimination against the physically disabled. It made her blood boil how such people were shunned and regarded as evil.

The North and Dorne were exceptions to this society, and consequently, they were called barbaric. She had visited Dorne and though it might not be rich as the rest, it was certainly financially stable and people had sexual freedom while 'bastards' were loved and cared for. They were pretty open minded.

Now she was in The North. It was certainly a very cold climate, though her being a magical creature, it didn't bother her much.

The Northmen were her type of people; blunt, casual and lived a humbler lifestyle. The Dwarfs would very much get along with them. Though they weren't rich, they did their best to feed for Winters that last for years throughout the world, something that still shocked her very much.

She was approaching Ned's home, a castle called Winterfell when her super hearing kicked in and she heard a woman screaming curses as men laughed evilly.


Rickard had been observing his son's behavior and he was surprised, to say the least.

He thought Ned would be steeped in his teachings of honor, but when he tested him, Ned gave answers not related to honor and Rickard was happier. Ned never forgot he was a Northerner.

Ned also didn't like Walys. He didn't blame him for that, Walys was a pompous cunt. However, Ned in a clever way reminded Walys of his place by addressing him as 'Maester Flowers', 'Maester Walys Flowers' or Flowers. Every servant of the Keep started following Ned's example and the fool was annoyed to hell, daring to come and having the audacity to complain to him.

Ned also punched Lyanna's Septa in the face once, and made her walk naked throughout Wintertown, dragging her by her hair. Rickard was furious, until he found out that the bloody Septa insulted his wife, HIS LYARRA !!!. Rickard took her head for it and made it look like an animal killed her.

Ned had grown stronger and become smarter. However, therein lies the problem. Ned was completely against his plans !. He protested betrothing Lyanna to Robert and Brandon to Catelyn, continuously stating the presumably bad results of the matches.

Ned grimaced " father, they would be the most ill matched couple in existence ".

" It's a good match " Rickard had insisted.

" As much as I love him like a brother, Robert's a whoremonger " Ned retaliated " I don't know whether he will change or not. For all I know, one of them might slit the other's throat before 3 years ! ".

" Lyanna has been protesting the match, but she will do her duty regardless !!. And so will Brandon !!. I take no pleasure doing this but I am doing this for the North !! "

" Hoster Tully is shifty " Ned darkly said " I have heard rumors that he forced Moon Tea down his younger daughter's throat when she was pregnant before marriage and marrying Lyanna to Robert is a recipe for disaster !!. The Faith will never stop ruining her name. She is not built for the South !! ".

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