Part 4

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House Frey had been slaughtered. Women and children survived but somehow, no one saw what killed all the adult males.

That was the news that spread throughout the 7 Kingdoms. The King in his paranoia, had decided to sent his Kingsguard and son on a goose chase to discover the outlaws, while he wanted to humiliate him in reality.

House Tully had been thoroughly and utterly humiliated. The first reason came from their inability to protect their bannermen and not even keeping a record of their well being as it took 2 weeks for them to find out what crime had been committed. The other was that Rickard Stark had rejected his offer for his daughter's betrothal to Brandon, and even though the Stark Lord had stated valid reasons with concerns to the differences in culture, Tully still insults him with a letter of his own. Then, Rickard Stark sent another letter to him and had his spies release it publicly, where Rickard Stark had humiliated him by mentioning his status as an elevated house that can't even keep its bannermen in check and raised questions about his competence.

Hoster Tully had decided to ban all exports to The North in a rather foolish move until he would get an apology.

Unluckily for him, his house suffered first as he was hounded by complaints from bannermen with the losses they were suffering, and the North suffered very little to none.


Syrille was a mystery at Winterfell

She was an unbelievably capable Smith and improved things as if she was using magic. She was easy to get along with and wasn't shy or reserved like women South of the Neck.

15 year old Lyanna looked up to her since Syrille was everything she wanted to be.

Brandon tried to flirt with her, whom she simply ignored, shattering his ego.

What endeared the people of Winterfell to Syrille was that she had saved their beloved Lady Lyarra from that corrupt monstrous Maester Walys.

The memory of Walys brought nothing but further hatred for the South. Walys had been trying to poison Lady Lyarra and fill their Lord's ears into making Southron matches. When his chambers were inspected and letters were found.... letters to the Citadel and their involvement in the attempted murder of Lyarra Stark.

The Starks were keeping quiet, so as to not call attention to themselves, but they were also plotting revenge. Rickard secretly sent his spies to his bannermen to inform them of what happened in Winterfell and create awareness of the Maesters.

Everyone knew that something was going on between their Lord's second son and the mysterious foreigner, from how much they spent together. Everyone realized it except the pair in question, and they were as dense as Ironwood, as some people said.

However, when news of Hoster Tully banning all exports from Riverlands to the North came, there was an uproar. A threat of famine could do that.

However, Syrille's brilliance also shone in areas other than combat and Smithing.

She shared her knowledge of the grain called 'Rice'. How it grows in the Marsh areas of the neck and can be a sustainable food. She even shared her list of contacts that she made of people who supply the Rice seeds. The list was made throughout her travels.

She even shared her knowledge of making Wildfire and that its function was not just in burning people but even soil and revitalize it. The land could become fertile. Rickard tried this a few miles outside Winterfell and then planted seeds. To everyone's surprise, the plants thrived.

The Rice also grew in The Neck along with Corn.

Finally, she shared the method of crop rotation and how it can increase the nutrients in the soil.

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