𝐈'𝐦 𝐎𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐊𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐬

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She felt out of sorts as she walked through the police station, her eyes darting down to her phone to re-read the message Weaver had sent. Regina, having been more than awake the past few days had almost expected to hear back from him sooner rather than later, seeing as the two had some sort of deal struck between them before everything had come flooding back. Originally, Roni had meant the deal to be something in the way of sexual but she imagined that maybe Weaver hadn't intended it to be so seeing as the text seemed urgent.

Detective-Up-To-No-Good: Police Station. My office. Now.

Shaking her head at how spot on Roni seemed in naming the contact in her phone, she rounded the corner and bounded in through the door of his office, eyebrow arching as she rested a hand to her hips. He looked more than at ease leaning against his chair, eyes trained on her face, fingers stroking slick lips. "Finally decide what you want in return? If it's hiding a dead body anywhere in my bar, the answer is no." This cursed persona of Rumple had memories of a distrusting nature in Roni's head, all laced in curiosity and partners of his not returning after leaving the bar.

"Shut the door."

She did as he asked, making sure to give a glance outside before closing it all of the way. "Okay, now what?" In truth she had expected a slew of horrid requests, something that would get her hands dirty and dare to shake her moral core. But what followed surprised her as well as gave her hope in this little mess they were currently in with the curse looming over their heads.

"Regina, come here."

"Rumple?" Her feet carried her over towards him, right beside where he sat at his desk, shock written on her features. "How are you awake too?"

"Alice shot me." Standing, he reached down to grab the hem of his shirts and hoisted them up high enough to give her a peek at the stitched wound. "Lucky for me, at the exact time Weaver needed it."

"Ouch." Her fingers grazed it gently, eyes finding his. "How did you know that I'm awake too?"


"We need to get to work on how to break the curse then without anyone getting hurt." She removed her hand from his skin and leaned back against his desk, eyes searching the room to get a feel for the persona he had been even if memories gave way to a darker sight. "It's weird we're the only ones awake, well, out of our team anyway."

Hungry eyes scoured her frame from the cheetah print boots up to the band t-shirt pulled tight along her frame. It had been no secret that the detective desired the bar keep in a carnal way, the feel having spilled over onto him now - not that it hadn't been just a tad bit there to begin with. The two of them had always had chemistry, after all. He took a seat again, leaning back against the leather of his chair bringing his fingers back to his lips. The heat coursing through his veins from just the sight of her dared to burn him from the inside out.

"This is a sweet office." She ran her fingers along the surface of his desk, taking a few papers into her hand and reading through the words written in black ink. None of it really made sense to her, but then again she wasn't familiar with the case in which it pertained to.

Thoughts were racing like a stampeding bull as he watched her eyes move along the page, tongue snaking out to trace along the jut of her lower lip. A surge moved through him, blood rushing south, as he adjusted himself against the chair trying to stave off these feelings and thoughts flooding his being. Damn; he had no idea in which his body could respond to her on it's own accord. These clothes, outfits tight like the ones she wore in the enchanted forest. It was hard enough then to keep his eyes away, keep himself away to avoid showing weakness - but right here and now all he wanted to do was hear her call his name. Before he could stop the thought leaving his lips; "I have an idea on what I want in return for that favor you asked of me.."

𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now