Quality Time With Your...Opposite, I Guess...?

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Portal~ Do I haaaaave to...?

@SofiaDash200: I dare Portal to spend more time with Vortex and do what she does. And truth: Portal, which is better? CAKES or PIES?

Portal~ Cakes are the best, 'cause why the f*ck not? And why exactly do I have to hang out with Vortex?

Jerome~ She hasn't come out of her room for several chapters!

*cue admin fixing fourth wall*

Portal~ I like messing with people! I can't help that!

Seto~ It's not like you have anything else better to do with your spare time.

Portal~ *sighs* You're right; fine... *heads to Vortex's room* *knocks on the door* Hey, mate, you alive?

Vortex~ *reading the book that @InsaneBre-SaneAmber left for her* Very much so. *closes book and stares at the floor*

Portal~ I know this is for a dare and all, but, uh, wanna spend some time together? Do some stuff that you do?

Vortex~ *looks up to the door* Um, I guess so. *sets book on the bedside table and gets up to open the door*

Portal~ Alright then.

Vortex~ *opens door and lets Portal in*

Portal~ So, uh, what do you wanna do?

Vortex~ *shrug* Want to watch a movie?

Portal~ Sure. Which one?

Vortex~ Umm... Jurassic Park?

Portal~ Woah, woah, woah! Since when were you into stuff like that?!

Vortex~ For a while, actually. *scratches back of her head* I've been looking into stuff you like, and I've gotten a little more used to gore, though I'm still not a huge fan.

Portal~ You did that for me?

Vortex~ *nods*

Portal~ Geez, now I feel like a huge bag of sh*t for messing around with you.

Vortex~ Don't worry about it. It's fine. Now that I look back on myself, I did seem pretty intolerable, did I?

Portal~ *shrugs* You kinda were.

Vortex~ How about we push that aside and start with the movie, shall we?

Portal~ Alright then!

Both~ *smile at each other, then set up the movie*

Truth or Dare: TCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt