Ew, Ian...

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Portal~ *off in a corner reading Homestuck with Vortex*

((Yes, the admin has been reading Homestuck lately. She's only on Act Two, so please don't spoil anything for her.))

Jerome~ Girls, we have a dare!

Portal~ *waves it off* We're reading!

Vortex~ *clicks the link for the next page* I have to say, this is a pretty nice story, though I'm not that big of a fan for the language in it.

Portal~ It isn't even that bad!

Vortex~ I know, but it still bothers me a little!

Portal~ *rolls eyes*

@Bodil40fan4ever: I dare TC to become preppy and perky cheerleaders and annoy the heck out of Portal and Vortex. Have fun, girls!

Seto~ I'm going to regret this... *turns the guys into cheerleaders*

Adam~ *voice is like the stereotypical popular cheerleader girl* Oh my God, this is so fun!

Ty~ *same with him* Yeah! *cheer jump (or whatever the heck it is)*

Portal~ Guys, shut up! *neither she nor Vortex realize the guys have started doing the dare*

Ian~ *walks over to the corner* What the hell is that? Those characters don't even have arms! It's not even a real game!

Vortex~ *glances up and happens to see something unsightly* *yelps and pushes Ian away* You're still a male! Put some underwear on or something! *shudder*

Portal~ Did you just...? *bursts into laughter before she can finish the question*

Ian~ *scoff* You guys are weird! I'm gonna complain to all of my social media followers about how weird you two are!

Quentin~ *doing cartwheels nonstop in the background, no one else really noticing him*

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