Seto? Where are you?

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@Blazzium: I dare Ian and Mitch to knock out Seto and when he awakes, Vortex must act like he's missing.

Ian~ Hey Seto, look at this for a second! *points at a random corner with a cake in it*

Seto~ It's just a cake...

Ian~ No, it's not just a cake! I'll show you! *brings Seto closer to the cake* See?

Seto~ It still looks like a cake.

Ian~ Oh, no! It's not just a cake! It's a special cake!

Seto~ How-?

Mitch~ *cuts him off by hitting him in the back of the head with a hard object, knocking Seto unconscious*

Vortex~ *yelps when she hears the impact of object to head* Are you sure that wasn't lethal?

Mitch~ Any harder, and it would've been lethal.

Vortex~ As long as it doesn't kill him, I guess it's okay. *still worrying a little*

Mitch~ Come on, Vortex! He'll be fine, I'm sure! Just get into character and wait for him to wake up.


Vortex~ *sitting against the wall, legs pulled up to her chest*

Seto~ *finally comes to* Vortex? *glances around and spots her* Are you okay?

Vortex~ *staring at the floor* I can't find him... I can't find Seto... He's gone...

Seto~ Vortex, no, I'm right here! *gets up and kneels down right next to her*

Vortex~ *has a kind of vacant look in her eyes*

Seto~ N-no, n-no, no! *picks up Vortex and starts carrying her to his room for a cure of something that's clearly a prank*

Vortex~ *kisses his cheek* Got you.

Seto~ *stops in his path and glances down at her* What?

Vortex~ That whole little act was a dare, Seto.

Seto~ Thank God! I thought some spell got you!

Vortex~ No, I'm fine. *smiles and kisses him*

Seto~ *kisses back, smiling*

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